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jumbo returns

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Everything posted by jumbo returns

  1. I'm reading this thread again tonight with a beer and fish n chips. Bring it!
  2. Seeya Dunny. All the best, if you're going to make the move.
  3. McGovern in a heart McGovern in a heart beat. The rest....meh. Darling is badly out of form.
  4. Omg. Lol.
  5. Del Santo will add nothing to this list.
  6. You make good sense, but a power forward will continue our success growth.
  7. Jesse for Fyfe/Fyffe Omg Lol
  8. Now we're maligning the trade of Fitzpatrick? Omg Lol This is funnier than get Butcher or get Del Santo
  9. I'd rather push Ben K into the midfield. Dal Santo.....really???
  10. Where's the turkish delight????
  11. Omg Lol
  12. I knew that would come up! But Juddy was tearing it up in his first, second, third, fourth and fifth years...Freak. Vote no to Hamish.
  13. Doctors are clever chappies down at the Toigs...
  14. Gawd, no!! Soooooooo.....inconsistent.....and those shoulders of his always strapped! Something's rotten down Alberton way....
  15. Omg. Lol.
  16. Nathan Jones would the first picked in my team every week.
  17. I really want the big fella to sign and this is where (albeit not a fave of many) Dawes will be important on field to allow JH to do well...Dawes will come cheap, too....
  18. I want Hogan to sign, all the boys to become really good mates, and make a pact to win finals together....as GWS have..
  19. Match committee have baffled me all year with their selections
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