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Everything posted by Cards13

  1. It is a real concern for our club. You can understand taking on a sponsor like an Energy Watch when you have so little revenue coming from other sources actually related to attracting fans support and $$$$$. The long term affect of our continued under performance is a horrible thought, my old man would be rolling over in his grave.
  2. Talking about not shaving as an indicator of success or failure, spare me.
  3. Any early updates on the ankle??
  4. Yea kudos to Sellar he is saving the club money, they won't have to wash his jumper this week!
  5. How about, Jack, you farken do something about it on the field rather than grab 4 disposals as a loose man in defence. Ffs giving him praise is a laugh. Don't say or think just DO!
  6. What qualifications does Ox have besides being on radio? Passion for the club doesn't count.
  7. Ha Benson is playing better than our side on the park today by a long way.
  8. In his career or just today?
  9. Not really sure you can get much out of what is said, aaagggaaaiinnn we will have to see how they stand up next week as players, coaches etc. I have a fairnideabhownit will pan out though....
  10. Why you talking in past tense, most normal supporters have left. The kids especially have left to follow other successful clubs. It is numbing to think we seriously are a fair chance to either not be around, relocate or merge at some point if this does not change. I know it is round one, some players missing ....blah blah blah but I think we are on the knife edge from a members, sponsorship $$$$ perspective that may be to far to come back from. I do hope not.
  11. I owe so much beer for bets made on finishing above some clubs this year and on winning a flag before the Tigs it is not funny!! Bugger
  12. CFH.... Sorry mate but bumpalump.
  13. Walls... Check his columns and who he tips vs the actual outcomes... He flounders
  14. "Port absolutely dominating... Melb absolute rabble"...
  15. Buuuppp booowww under 30 seconds goal Port....
  16. "Port benefitting from Watts in defence, he is doing nothing" direct from the radio. " he has to man up when they are coming into the fwd 50"
  17. What you hear on commentary about Melb players.... "Stupid..... Kick, decision, option, execution".
  18. It is a farce, rugby league has stolen a march on AFL with "free to air" coverage. As free as you can be after selling your soul to a gambling company who commentates live during the telecast.
  19. Didn't see anyone raving about Hodge's game yet he played in the same game....
  20. Wtf a anonymous web forum is NOT for rumour and innuendo, well you learn something new every day I guess!
  21. Mix up Good Aussie band from Byron made good on the world stage! Bit of heavy! Bit of Action Bronson action, Queens chef done made good. (Prosciutto!!) My fav band doing Mariachi as M El Bronx http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=PozoxxDDu84 Reggie!!! http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?feature=fvwrel&v=xetZZLmmEw8
  22. Gee wizz our onballers/center line really stands out as under class at this stage. Jones and day light along with 2 first gamers on a wing. Will be lucky to win but the excitement is building. Looking forward to seeing Sellar up fwd after the impressive end to preseason from him.
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