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Everything posted by Cards13

  1. Can they stay focused for another quarter? Boult likely but here is hoping!!
  2. Davey has played well but lets himself down with the effort when it hurts
  3. To bad we are still 3 years off from that skill needed.
  4. Wowsa.... This is pressure footy. When we get some skills we will be competitive!!!
  5. Wowsa.... This is pressure footy. When we get some skills we will be competitive!!!
  6. First 1st quarter we've won all year!!!
  7. Tigs pressure has stepped right up...
  8. F me Dunn working hard back to take mark in defence on the line and then turns it over for Tigs shot on goal.. Lucky miss
  9. Our press is doing ok and our pressure is ok but the eternal question is will it last
  10. Dunn goal! First time all season we have kicked the first goal of the game!!
  11. Breaking even at present, but it always has a feel that we are hanging on and the other team will break us open and do it easily
  12. Sorry to be rude but far out Sellar is poor
  13. Good to see we're all on the same page, good rss gracious me.
  14. Why do I still have the anticipation of "maybe we're a chance" when we are not. All week I have no illusions of success but the hope there will be some glacial movement forward as a team but game day the inner nutter Melbourne fan comes out and says we can win this!!!!
  15. Diamond Joe huh.... http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/gutnick-sued-on-million-dollar-deal/story-e6frfkp9-1226622943767
  16. Couple of Tigs pl;ayers not been feeling well this week, may pull out... only a 10 goal drubbing coming our way.
  17. .... Ask and you shall receive...
  18. Any news of a rookie upgrade, Magner or Couch to add some muscle? As Neeld mentioned before the game we "were outmuscled" by GCS for goodness sakes at least one of these 2 will close that off.
  19. What?! Where are the beards and blazers?!
  20. 19 you are doing a stellar job again on the positive front
  21. We play on from marks more than any other side...... we hit the target with a effective dispoal least or 2nd last of all clubs in the AFL.... Skills are lacking, are they lacking because they are trying to get them fit enough, possible. The chicken or the egg? Skills need to improve for the game plan to work, oh and also putting some f ing pressure on!
  22. Great stuff 19!!! You guys are doing a power of work that tends to go under appreciated. Keep working hard towards the 33k.
  23. I was trying to hold back my enthusiasm for that movie to come out.... well founded in doing so. Even with the low expectations that steaming pile of septic garbage did not meet any of them. Jackson you are an over-rated hack!
  24. Well that works our perfectly as Ice T is coming out for a tour just so he can open the "new" facilities with his updated song "Coach Killer". I reckon a few of the Melbourne Super Rules players who train at Powerhouse Oval just down the road might still be better players than what we have.
  25. Want to make sure I beat the traffic, what time the boys heading down to Sorrento today?
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