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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. Blues are going to be on this year, look really fit, DeKoning will allow McKay to get away more often. Kennedy the same for Cripps, McGovern looks interested again. No more Jones crazy ball.

    We didn’t have enough intent early, fumbles and dropped marks let alone not being across the new rules equaling 8 fifty meter penalties is not good enough.

    Bringing Weid on in the last qrt after playing a half today is not really setting him up for success either. 

    • Like 7
  2. 40 minutes ago, dee-tox said:

    So we'll be missing three 'running' defenders, Salem, Riv and Hibberd. Obviously, Hunt can play one of these positions but it will be interesting to see if we lose any run from our backline in this game.

    We had a dream run with injuries last year, can't wait to see how we handle a few this season. 

  3. On 3/1/2022 at 7:22 PM, Engorged Onion said:

    I remember getting a tour of it in 1998 at my first year as a Sports Administration student at Vic Uni - we had a jaunt into town from out at Sunbury... come see the amazing Colonial Stadium we were told... we got to walk around - and then they went to show us how the seating arrangements could be reconfigured in a relatively short space of time from AFL seating to  soccer (closer in seats that moved in on wheels ) into a square ground arrangement.

    The seats then proceed to move... and then we hear grinding noises and then it halts...

    20 minutes later pass and then we are told that due to unforseen circumstances the preview of the amazing seating configuration could not take place. 80 uni students start pissing themselves laughing.

    I'd hazard a guess those mechanics have barely if ever been used since 1998.

    The seating movement mechanism looks a bit like this now 

    Scene Analysis: Opening Scene from 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'

    • Haha 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    Covid happened. 
    Up until recently parents weren’t even allowed on school grounds let alone footballers. 
    Not to mention I don’t want one of our players missing a game because a germy little snotball gave them Covid. 

    hey hey hey NOW!! I've got 2 little snotballs and I take offen... nope you nailed it! Actually they've had maybe 1 cold each in the last 2 years because the flu/colds/gastro haven't been passed around since we all moved to the home office and started wearing masks.

    • Haha 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, Mach5 said:

    It’s a matter of opinion, so I’m not sure what evidence you’d like provided. The afore-mentioned soiled bed?

    Garry parroting Pert’s opinion is also not evidence either way.

    Ok, how about this - despite being reigning premiers, we lag behind the majority of the league in terms of sponsorship revenue. The primary product we sell is footy and our footy has delivered the ultimate prize - a flag (and hopefully more to come) - so now is the time to maximise our return on sponsorship. Sponsors want to buy into the type of success we’ve just had and our commercial team need to pull their socks up, instead of sitting back & basking in the on-field success as if they’ve contributed to them. We’re an exciting young team & no longer a hard sell. I sincerely hope the commercial team are being made to work hard on their own patch for their bonuses. Longterm sponsorship deals should have been avoided so as not to harm our ability to maximise revenue in this period.

    You do know that contracts are in place and these contracts would have monetary value assigned to them and years of contract. When my old company sponsored the Roos the contract was usually 3 years with a set amount for year 1 then an agreed % increase or value increase in the next 2 seasons. Some contracts would be the same value for each year of the agreement ie $70k in each year.

    Depending on when the contracts were signed then we'd be locked in for a period and if they came to me asking for more money I'd tell them to check the agreement and I don't appreciate the approach as we have supported you already.

    New agreements are a different story but it is extremely difficult to find shed loads of partnership $$ to spend in the world currently.

    • Like 3
  6. 21 minutes ago, Demonstone said:

    I thought exactly the same thing this morning Dee Dee when I slipped down to the local swimming pool for a nice spot of FINA.

    Your sir are ruthless, just stalking the Dland threads for one little misstep and BAM!


  7. On 3/1/2022 at 10:19 AM, binman said:

    Agree on all of the above.

    The other thing i'd add is we are a systems based team. And with a flag under our belt we have proof positive that the system works, so we have complete team buy in thta system (not that we didn't have it last season). 

    But also another year to cement that system, so it becomes completely automatic. Every player coming into the team understand the system and know what role thay have to play in it. I think that was a huge factor in the Tiger's run of success. 

    Also, other teams face a big problem against us, a problem that was evident last year - to what extent do they modify their own system when playing us to try and beat us?

    That's a problem because system based football has proven to the most effective model in the last say decade (longer probably).

    Sure every team will employ tactical tweaks to blunt opponents strengths and exploit weakness, including us. But if teams move too far away from their own system in their attempt to beat us, it is doomed to fail. 

    So i think the 'other teams will work us out' narrative is a furphy.

    The only path to wining a premiership, and finding a way past the dees, is to develop a rock solid system that works - whatever that may be. And as dees fans know all too well developing and cementing an effective system takes years. 

    Which is why why i see the Bombers and Freo dong well this season. Both have been developing an effective system in the last 2-3 years, one modeled on the dees defensive structure. I think both will be really hard to score against this season and are on the right path to be top 4 teams in say 2023 or 2024.


    Will be interesting to see how teams look to break the system ie lower the eyes when coming into the fwd 50. Or break with as much speed as possible and put the ball into space?

    Our midfield/wingers/fwds and the gut running they do to shut down the exits and options fwd is still one of the things that will set us a step ahead of other teams.

  8. 34 minutes ago, TRIGON said:

    @Mach5, to put some more structure around this discussion could you please elaborate on what you think:

    1. isn't being done, and
    2. what should be done.

    3. Have you reached out to Pert/the club to offer your services/advice? If not, why not as you seen pretty focussed on this which is fine but with very little to back it up.

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