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Everything posted by Deeoldfart

  1. Nev named in AFL Team of the Week. His form is becoming hard to ignore!
  2. Yes, but on the other hand, all of us are delighted that Jay asked the question, because Goody's reply gave us some great insights into our coach, that we may not otherwise have been privy to. Jay's question was clearly an attempt to put Goody on the spot. Most coaches would have taken umbrage, and quickly dismissed the question with a glib response, or in some cases, tried to 'put the journo down' with a smart assed reply (Buckley, Brad Scott?). But Goody wasn't 'rattled' for a second. His response was calm, factual, measured and very classy. I found myself hanging on every word he said, and it's not unreasonable to assume that our players would respond in the same way whenever he speaks on important issues. I reckon we have already seen evidence this on the field, and in the strong sense of 'belief' that is emerging within our playing group. IMO we now have many of the key ingredients in place for a serious tilt at a flag over the next few years. Of all the current senoir AFL coaches, Goody would be my first choice to take us there!
  3. Can a Demonlander with the necessary know-how please compile a video package of Nev's highlights from today, and forward it to the AA selectors? He was absolutely outstanding when the team needed him most. If the whole team played with Nev's comittment and 'never say die' attitude at crucial moments, we would be unbeatable!
  4. 6. T.Mac 5. Frost 4. Jetta 3. Oliver 2. ANB 1. Hibberd
  5. Trying to pick winners this season has completely done my head in, so I'm going with my heart today. Dees by a skinny margin and sitting 4th spot at the end of the weekend. How nice would that be?
  6. Win by a point and there's a fair chance we will have clawed the necessary percentage Nasher. Wow!
  7. Absolutely loved 'Dasher' Don. The sentimental old fool in me wants Seb on our list, even though I know no more about him than what's written in the article.
  8. 100% Jaded.............. and the crowd too, every time he goes near it!
  9. I agree, and Platty's VFL report suggested to me that he might not be too far away from an (unlikely) senior gig. However, there's no word on his elevation from the rookie list, so I'm guessing it won't happen this weekend
  10. We need some luck for a change, just to even up the ledger a bit. If Lady Luck smiles on us for once, we might just win! Oh crap, I just remembered that we must also eliminate stupidity and selfishness. That makes it harder! Dees by a point, based on loyalty without logic!
  11. Not sure I (along with the Demonland server) would have coped very well if i the spotlight had been on us again.
  12. Prima facie, I thought thought Bugg deserved 5 or 6 weeks for his hit on Mills, but I definitely don't think it warranted 2 weeks more than Houli. Another case of Melbourne being made an example of, I reckon.
  13. I've been thinking for a while that Dean Kent has too many 'Col Sylvia traits' for my liking, and I reckon he recently confirmed another one. Time for him to decide whether he wants to remain on our list or be traded to Freo. .
  14. I reckon there are perhaps three reasons why Jack was retained for 2017: They are, in no particular order: in recognition of his great 'team first' attitude, his outstanding work ethic and overall contribution to the Club. Yes, it's sentimental logic, but it was the decent thing for the Club to do in the circumstances, and I think the present administration want us to be seen as a 'decent' club to be a part of. Personally, I would have been disappointed if we had shunted Jack off the list at the end of 2016. the FD deemed that there were no late draft picks who were likely to add more to our list than Jack, and he obviously had no trade value; and on the slim basis that another pre season would see him recover some of the football attributes that made him so good in his first couple of years. Sadly, football at the top level seems to have passed him by, but I reckon he might just get an opportunity this weekend, given that the 'football gods' have dealt us such a harsh hand.
  15. I initially voted Lewis, but I've changed my mind. Dunno what others think, but I reckon I've seen TMac's leadership bloom exponentially with added responsibility in the last month or so.
  16. Yep. A team of clydesdales won't keep Jack off the park once he gets past the point of risking further damage ........ and given that he's been battling the injury all year, there's every chance that he'll come back better than ever. Just imagine how good that would be in a final! PS. Jonno Brown (OTC) seemed very confident that Jack won't miss more than 4 weeks.
  17. J. Ralph (Fox) saying Viney out until R19. Didn't indicate that this was a 'post scan' prognosis, so maybe just guessing.
  18. I don't wear the 'boys will be boys' attitude. Forget about the past! This is a professional sport, and the year is 2017. These blokes put themselves above team rules, and that's selfish in anyone's language. If we want team success, everyone needs to buy-in all of the time, not just when they feel like it.
  19. I'm extremely disappointed in all four of them. They put themselves above the Club, the team and the supporters. Selfish in the extreme, and its fantastic that our Club has made a strong stand. I just hope they have enough sense to learn.
  20. If that is truly the case, I think our club has already made the only sort of 'statement' that needs to be made!
  21. 6. Jetta 5. O.Mac 4. Hibberd 3. T.Mac 2. Petracca 1. Frost
  22. I've been satisfied with Bugg's contribution up until now ............. but tonight he let himself and the team down. There's still a good chance that the Dees will see some action in September, and a fair chance that Tom won't be part of it.
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