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Everything posted by Deeoldfart

  1. You know what they say about great minds Chippy.
  2. I know exactly what you are saying Rangey, but I've never stopped believing ......... 1965, '66, '67, ............. 2012, 2013 .... ad infinitum until I'm in a pine box.. There's one thing that's certain however, we are getting closer as every year goes by (sound logic that!) and I'm looking forward to 2013 with great anticipation and excitement.
  3. We are getting a pretty competitive team together on this one.
  4. Absolutely. If it's reasonable for the Club to expect loyalty through thick and thin from its employees and other stakeholders, then it needs to work both ways. IMO, the only caveat to this principle would be if an individual had gone it alone to institute tanking (as defined by the AFL) ........... and clearly that would not happen.
  5. Ha, ha ......... and of course there was also the sudden and 'mysterious' resignation of former AFL football operations manager, Adrian Anderson. The casualties mount in AFL Tanking fiasco ..
  6. This is amazing! Sitting in Canberra getting a running commentary on training at Gosh's. Looks like the scheduled gardening will have to wait. Thanks guys!
  7. Many is the time that Arthur ushered me into the post-match change rooms at the 'G' to sing 'The Grand Old Flag' and chat with my idols. I was a skinny kid, and we had good reason to sing, week after week, after week, and both verses. Those days are long gone, but the memories are indelible. Arthur is part of them.
  8. I wish LJ, his community and mentors all the best. Too many people trying to sit in judgement when they don't know the facts.
  9. You're not wrong there Deevoted. More confident of the Dees scraping into the eight this year than I was with that one.
  10. I hope it's no more than unfounded bull faeces, because if it's true it might suggest a 'smoking gun' in the tanking saga.
  11. Lots of positives there Spirit, but I was particularly pleased with this bit: "James Strauss really impressed me. He looks fit, and most importantly for him his body language and voice is very positive out there. Strauss takes the game on. He is quick, and he was happy to get physical with and defenders he manned up today. He might surprise a few." Very happy to acknowledge that I will be one of those he surprises if he can cement a permanent spot for himself.
  12. You nailed it Josh! It was going to be a complex alpha/numeric test. Clue # 1: My family name starts with the first letter of the English alphabet. Clue # 2: The second letter is equivalent to 50 in Roman numerals. Clue # 3: The third letter is the same as 5 in Roman numerals. Clue # 4: Subtract the answer to clue #3 from from clue #2 and divide by 3 to obtain my guernsey number.
  13. Ha! Ha ........ At around 2:00am it occurred to me that the answer must be one of the Dunbar brothers (probably Hughie) but my pre dawn research didn't turn up anything to suggest that they might have been 'high flyers' ie. it's not just the loss of brain cells (which I can ill afford to lose at my time of life) but also loss of sleep. Demonland is ruling and ruining my life!
  14. If that's where Rohan spends most of his time this year then I will be happy, because it will signal to me we are a better team than I thought. While I agree in some respects Jose, his work-rate is in the upper echelon at the Club. That will stand him in good stead for a long way. Premium Madagascan vanilla bean perhaps?
  15. Don't hold your breath Scoop. His brain (?) is already at breaking point from regurgitating the same old tripe, ad nauseam!
  16. .................. or very possibly, there's nothing more to leak! Let's hope this misguided witch hunt draws to its inevitable conclusion early in February.
  17. The best researched, and most honest portrayal of the tanking fiasco that I have read ........ and I say that while trying to put my red and blue allegiance to one side for a moment. Great work wmth.
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