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Everything posted by Deeoldfart

  1. Gee, the skinny bloke in the number 2 goes ok!
  2. OK, it's now official that the AFL Commission have conceded their independence, and given-in to the pressure from the other 17 clubs and the media nuff nuffs. But let's not forget that the benchmark for qualifying for a priority pick has now been set. In future, a club has to be an absolute basket case for a decade or more to qualify under the principles that the AFL have just established. Pack of weak ..........
  3. Is it too late to add Pia to our membership brochures for 2014? ...... On a more serious note, Brad's selection seems completely 'out of left field', but he clearly has Roosy's strong endorsement, so I'm delighted to have the former Demon back in the fold.
  4. I haven't seen him in the flesh, but from what I've read on Demonland (KC in particular), and in the media, I'm more excited about Hogan in red & blue than I have been about any player in a long, long time. By good fortune (very unusual for the MFC) his recruitment was perfectly timed ie. he's had a season at Casey to 'blood' himself against men; for the first time in decades we have several very capable big bodied forwards to take the heat off him as he settles into the big league; and most importantly, we have a new coach who will nurture and develop him, and ensure that he gets the most out of his considerable assets. I'm really excited, and I dare anyone to disagree with me!
  5. Your point is extremely well made Redleg. There is no doubt that we, along with a few other Melbourne based clubs, are victims of a very uneven playing field. The point is that for years we have suffered our plight far too graciously, and for ages being 'pushovers' has been meekly accepted as 'part of the territory' by the Melbourne Football Club and many its loyal supporters. Thank god that we are belatedly starting to develop a new pair of those things that gave Rod Grinter his nickname. Long may they continue to develop and flourish!
  6. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone on here would cringe! All long suffering Melbourne supporters hope for a brighter future, and Jesse Hogan is an integral part of that hope. Smart marketing I reckon!
  7. I agree Jack ............ and Colless doesn't seem too keen to relinquish the $900,000 cost of living dispensation (read 'salary cap rort') graciously handed to the Swans each year by the AFL.
  8. So Colless reckons "taking players from the academy he has helped build is an absolute breach of protocol and a gentleman’s agreement". I reckon not aiming for the best available would be an absolute breach of his contract as senior coach the Melbourne for the next two years. Toughen up Princess Colless!!
  9. Great article Jack. A decision in favor of granting Melbourne one or more priority picks will be for the good of the game. Any other decision will not have the genuine interests of the competition at heart.
  10. We are rebuilding the Melbourne Football Club from the ground up, and need rock-solid foundations.
  11. It brings you back to earth with a thud when you read a couple of stories like those posted above. The kids involved and their families deserve a 'positive' in their lives, and well done to the Melbourne Footy Club, and especially the players concerned, for providing a spark. Footy is a ruthless business, and it's very easy to lose sight of the fact that the players are people first and footballers second. My love for our Club just grew a bit more!
  12. Some are children, some never grow up , I guess.
  13. or maybe ...... ever since he had Mark Neeld as coach he went backwards in his performance?. None of us know whether this was a contributing factor, but he certainly seemed to lift a notch under Neil Craig.
  14. Dunn regular CHF while Hogan and and Fitz. fill the KPF roles at Casey.
  15. Great idea Mr Barrett. Ignore the facts and write an emotive article that will appeal to the masses. That should sell a few papers! ......... and who cares if all other Clubs and their supporters hate our guts? That's the way most around here would prefer it anyway!
  16. Roos confirmed last night OTC that Ling will not be at Melbourne next year. Wants to spend another year in the media before entering coaching.
  17. Dean Kent is shaping as an inspired choice at pick # 48. At worst I think he will be a good long term player, but to me he has some 'future star' qualities that will hopefully bloom under our new coaching and development regime. His steady improvement over the course of this year suggests to me that he has what it takes to succeed, and this is further evidenced by the fact he has already overtaken a number of his older and more experienced peers. I'm bullish about his prospects, and reckon he could be a beauty.
  18. The excitement and optimism are fantastic, and something we should all enjoy right now! However we must not lose sight of the fact that it will be a hard slog over rough terrain to get to where we want to be. The most important thing to me is that we can now be very confident that we are on the right track, and not lost in some bloody wilderness with no map, no compass no GPS and no friggin' idea whether the sun rises in the east or west.
  19. I clearly remember the absolute despair I felt on the days that followed Norm Smith's sacking, and again when Barass announced that he was moving to Carlton ...... and try as I might I can't erase the vivid memories of 186 and all that has followed. For me, these are the lowest points in a very barren 50 years for my beloved Demons, but despite it all, I have clung blindly to the hope that the latest 'five year plan' would be the one to take us back to the top where we belong. Sadly, I must now concede most of my optimism over the journey has been viewed through 'rose coloured glasses'. But today things have changed! I now honestly believe that I can view the future through 'Roos coloured glasses' ...... and they are entirely different to the ones I have left behind. Welcome to the Melbourne Football Club Paul Roos. I have discarded blind optimism and replaced it with well founded faith.
  20. I urge you to hang in there Demon Ox. I imagine that living through another day like these last few, is one hell of a lot better than dying through a similar period.
  21. Like the majority around here, I reckon the Nathan Jones / Col Garland quinella is as close to a certainty as you can get.
  22. The way I am feeling right now, they are just grains of sand.
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