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About betty_spaghetti

  • Birthday 14/02/1987

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  • Favourite Player(s)
    Jared Rivers

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Rookie (1/10)



  1. My thoughts go out to Trisha and Broadbridge Family. R.I.P Troy
  2. i just watched the game. i enjoyed it, mainly cause Australia cained it! I thought the irish coach...umm....to put nicely...STUPID! after the game he spent the whole time whinging about all their injured players . WHAT ABOUT OURS! the irish played just as dirty as we did in the 1st q. Then he continued to whinge about the umpiring. He also managed to have a 'go' at Jim Stynes and Kevin Sheedy during the game. I thought O'keefe was awesome, IMO anyway... I thought aaron davey went alright. kinda set up a goal...coz he missed...is that still included as setting up a goal? hmmmm hoping the series does continue next year. What do people think of the Pearce tackle? it didn't look to bad to me, but then again im VERY biased..haha can u tell?! Betty
  3. hi all, lol...someone wants to hear from me...wow!!! lol...strange ok so my thoughts on the issue. i think the girls should b able to play up to a certain age BUT i think its a mans game- to be played anyway. I think that girls shouldnt be able to play with boys after like 12 years of age coz wot boy is going to wanna tackle a girl- it would b like girl bashing! But girl competitions are fine i guess from any age. I don't like playing footy and i think that girls that play footy are generally butch and scary. I played footy for 2 years at my high school in a girls competition and i sucked hardcore coz i wasn't butch enough OR scary enough! i kept making friends with the girls that i was playing against...yeahhhh so when the ball was nowhere to be seen me and the girl i was against would have conversations about boys,work, friends etc lol My coach told me i had to be more agressive. AND THATS MY STORY!! does that answer the question? luv betty
  4. Hey, Im Bianca . I'm 18 and in the middle of exams...urgh. I love the dee's. I become a supporter through my bestfriend, b4 that i supported the bombers..i dunno if i should be writing this...PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! My fav players are Robbo and Rivers. but really i think they are all awesome players. I love music. My fav band are Incubus. and i think thats everything. catchya's
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