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Everything posted by YearOfTheDees

  1. Amazing how when you put your head down and go in hard you don't seem to get hurt.
  2. Didnt need to take a step back just hold his ground.
  3. Both Grundy and TMac have had massive games for Casey today, It's only North VFL but great to see. So there is light guys.
  4. It's silly because if they call it a goal it will get reviewed anyway it's only when it's a called a point that there is a issue.
  5. There's somebody else at Casey today putting his hand up.
  6. Boweys first 17 games were wins , it's a shame we didn't give him jumper number 80.
  7. Not to sure where he is playing but Grundy might be wearing Dunstan's jumper going by possessions.
  8. Whats the point of The ARC if they can't over rule that.
  9. TMac three first quarter goals for Casey. One to Grundy as well.
  10. Buddys big send off should have been at a Hawks game where he a least won a few flags.
  11. Seven just said Pies on Thurs and Carlton want Fri. They said want.
  12. And it looks certain that Thursday night is the go. F-you AFL
  13. I scratch my head every Thursday night at selection time. Just got to have faith in the Match Committee.
  14. Port - We don't want to go to the Gabba _ Tigers - Stuff you were not going from pick six to pick nine.
  15. There saying Tom Papley a late out but he was out on Thursday night.
  16. Another point is who would Port rather play next week.
  17. Crows will win, Burgess will make sure of it.
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