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Posts posted by redandbluemakepurple

  1. On 26/04/2024 at 08:50, Antioch said:

    Mensch is German for person. That’s all.

    Generally, it has connotations of mankind, grouping of people, etc. rather a particular dude c.f der Mann

    In standard German, that is.

    My recollection is that we have been schooled in Yiddisch by American movies and TV since say, 1970.  Before that everyone was of Britsh, Irish, Black or Generalised Foreign heritage.  

  2. I had a bit of a stress breakdown in mid 2022 with an inability to sleep and being stressed about an inability to sleep.

    My GP as well as the temporary sleeping pills, got me onto the Smiling Mind app.  I was surprised but this helped.  Seeing that I am a sceptical type of guy, I would acknowledge the incongruity, by making the joke  that lesson 12 is levitating.  Insight Timer was also recommended but this is more complex and heavy duty.

    How are you doing, Layzie?

    All the Best



  3. This must be medium impact as in "Any high bump which constitutes Rough Conduct that has the potential to cause injury will usually be graded at a minimum as Medium Impact"  

    There is no suggestion that Pickett or Maynard were au fait with the medical histories of Soligo or Brayshaw respectively and could judge the potential for injury.  There is no prospect of players taking opponent's medical histories into consideration while on the field.  It is therefore of prime importance that players stop hitting each other in the head and if unavoidable, that they endeavour to minimise occurrence and force of contact.  When/if someone dies, I expect and hope that there will be an orderly queue for the criminal negligence charges.

    Above it is suggested that Pickett tried to minimise the force of collision.  Above it is also alternately suggested what I saw; that he hunched his shoulder to give him a strong stable point of contact.  As was discussed for Maynard v. Brayshaw, once a body is in the air, its centre of gravity continues in the same direction and with the same horizontal velocity until it is acted on by an external force, e.g. the inertia of Siligo's head.  (Newton's first law of motion). An outstretch arm with a view to passing in front of or behind Soligo would have been much kinder.

    A minute or two earlier, Pickett had tried launched similarly and I recall that he did also on another occasion this match.  Goodwin said in the press conference that Pickett was obviously trying to smother the kick.  Now that is strange.  If I want to touch something, I generally use my arm and hand in magnificent harmony rather than my bum.  I find it gives me a much greater reach.  I suspect that if Pickett used his hand, he would be contacting the ball rather than heads.  Win-win; stopping the opponents' momentum and giving players a pleasant future retirement.  This is something for our well-paid well-qualified specialists in the Football Department to promptly fix.  By the way, in this case as with Brayshaw, the ball had long gone and was not going to be spoiled.

    I don't see that there is much value in jumping through hoops to get Pickett off the week's suspension.  He needs to stop or he go missing when we need him.  A suspension is a lesson to him.

    As the great sage, Arnold Schwarzenegger, said, "Stop bullsheeting on my leg and telling me it's a puppy".  My thoughts entirely.





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  4. 9 hours ago, Gawndy the Great said:

    It may not be popular but he definitely shirked contact. Not saying he is soft but Fogarty is a few kegs short of a dump truck and there’s not many in the AFL that would have taken that hit.

    Shame.  I have just watched it a couple of time and I thought that the ball was over his head and unspoilable.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, YesitwasaWin4theAges said:

    I saw the bump live, didn't look like contact to the head.

    From everyone's reaction, it seems that way?

    Definitely high, low impact, suspect that he went for the head but he will successfully argue that he was aiming for the side but was careless.

  6. 6 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Joe never bothered to speak to Members about anything. And the money he did put in, had to be surgically removed from his pocket long after the promise was made. 

    An odd comment when the club got $2.7M  of the $3M that he originally promised.   Rounding down to nearest $100 thou that is say about $2.7M than MFC will get from me (and others) in 60 years of support.

    • Like 2
  7. On 29/03/2024 at 03:00, Pennant St Dee said:

    Beetle is pretty good with his mail on club matters

    Humour my post-covid brainfog, please.  Are you saying that one or more reliable sources within the club said that Petty actually asked to be traded to SA?  Thanks in anticipation.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Demon Dynasty said:

    Yes it can as part of the post is behind the goal line.  The goal line runs through the middle of the post yes?

    They paint the goal-line so that back of it lines up with the back of the post including the padding.

    Therefore a ball that has entirely crossed the goal-line, has also gone past the back of the post.  To hit the post after that point, the ball needs to be blown back by a gale or it needs to be spinning such that a part of the ball goes back to hit the post e.g. a helicopter kick or "one around the corner".

    • Like 4
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  9. 9 hours ago, Its Time for Another said:

    Jimmy walking over the mark and the most heartbreaking moment of my life when Buckenara's kick went through the middle.

    I then always think that Grinter didn't need to pointlessly push Buckenara in the back.

    • Sad 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Katrina Dee Fan said:

    I'm in two minds about Gutnick.  He did help us out a lot in the aftermath of the merger episode, but then how much did he cost us in the salary cap breaches he sanctioned?


    I heard that he did his 'nana when he discovered that Schwab hadn't told him about the additional over the counter payments.  I think he self-reported to the AFL.

  11. On 08/03/2024 at 06:18, beelzebub said:

    Do any care to revisit this conundrum ?

    Is the window half open or half closed ?

    We're but one game in....i know....  but 2 teams showed up.... only one was ready.

    We've had as long as any to BE READY.... no ??

    It always concerned me we had a somewhat hard first half dozen games and that would set the cast for the season. 

    First offering was just this side of putrid tbh.

    This is not a knee jerk reaction to a loss. Ive thought for some time we have a mismatch between players/abilities and preferred ( by Goodwin) game style.

    We have a lot....a LOT of work to do if we're to be even competitive this season.

    The scoreline flattered us in a fashion. Sydney isnt that world conquering...  but easily accounted for us.

    Not thinking we need worry about a straight sets exit this year......

    I haven't changed my thoughts for us this year.... but am happy to be shown wrong.

    Tough year ahead. imho :(

    Other's thoughts ?? 

    The mortar is starting to dry.  

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