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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. All aboard the JEFFO JUGGERNAUT this week. Im driving this train!🤑
  2. Another reason to let him go!
  3. Nowhere near enough! Exhibit A failed forward. Harrison Petty, not his fault though. Blame is on Coaching Dept!
  4. Neither would we, but.. you would take it EVERY TIME!
  5. And if thats the case I would look elsewhere!
  6. So Dazz, would you play Jeffo next week and if so, in place of who?
  7. 4 goals in a losing team last week with Shizzen delivery not enough WSW?
  8. Here Here! 1 Does anyone, including the players know what game style we are playing, seems to be so many variations that players themselves seem to have no idea 2 Never a plan B Much less plan C 3 Continues to try to make a natural Defender Petty into a forward! Sorry Simon but 6 goals in 19 games is a MASSIVE Fail 4 Forward line has been on the nose for all but 21 When BBB, Fritta, T Mac and Jackson fired, since then nothing has been done re leading patterns and horrible Goal kicking. Stafford needs to go as well! 5 Continues to play guys based on misguided loyalty that they can never will be dropped. Chandler, Fritta, Petty,Melksham,Lever, hell even Clarry! 6 Casey guys must wonder how to get a game re above. 7 Midfield is a Haemoraging wound and Mc Qualter from where I sit has done little to fix it.This grappling style is so antiquated it is sheer luck when and if it comes of. 8 Recruiting is and has been a shambles, Yeah I know Billings played quite well last night, but he is soft, Shache is finished, as is Hunter, Mc Adams is a bust, Why did we recruit Fullarton??and Tomlinson is NQR, so all things considered recruiting has been very ordinary! 9 We never hear from Kate Roffey, why not? 10 We gave Grundy away for a penny pinching Mc Donalds Meal, what a MASSIVE BLUNDER! Could yet play in a swans PREMIERSHIP team. So my vote is in we need a new coach that has new game style policy, better flair and a bit of ruthlessness!
  10. Yeah Definately agree BUT Has some serious X Factor appear from nowhere and conjures GOALS!
  11. Not sure Moonman whether I prefer internal combustion OR external combustion!😎
  12. Then maybe check his highlights reel at Casey this year??
  13. This might sound delusional but If Jeffo played tonight....... We would have won!
  14. I wouldn't and Im not a Spargo fan! Chandler has done next to NOTHING for weeks and still gets gifted games! Id have Spargy Pants in for him ANYDAY!
  15. Strong rumour going around that he was Crook!!
  16. As I have said, Goody has run his Race, but won't be sacked!
  17. Goodwin outcoached Nar, he was far worse than that. And WHO was accountable for Horne - Francis in the last Q!?
  18. Double Down on this comment, but Simon is obstinate to the piont of being negligent!
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