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Stiff Arm

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Everything posted by Stiff Arm

  1. Carlton doing the basics very poorly. Filling the defensive f50 hole, sheparding, 3rd man going for intercep mark, kicking to advantage
  2. Interesting in the back. It was actually incorrect disp first. Poor umpiring
  3. Carlton wasting multiple i50s. Scrappy disposal
  4. Hawkins hands after each game
  5. Hawkins and his miraculous ability to hit his opponent high strikes again. #sniper
  6. Following that line of logic, Fritter is therefore a no. 1 pick 🤷‍♂️
  7. I'm hoping that we are smarter than dropping a first gamer who did a few good things but didn't set the world on fire. The FD clearly see his potential and a run of games in a successful, winning side is what good teams do to develop players. And we are a good team
  8. It's the AFLs version of the Fibonacci sequence
  9. Our case rests: Not guilty, Your Honour!
  10. 3 disp to half time. No score either
  11. Frost-ball torpedo comes straight back for Weid's second. Lol!
  12. Yes, you like to pick a whipping boy but pretend you never did once they improve
  13. KOd is a bit of a stretch, mono
  14. Smith got the kick off before Kossie contacted him. It was late, too late for a tackle. Kossie could also have pulled up or tried to smother. Instead he chose to go airborne with his shoulder, playing the man rather than the ball An interesting 24 hours of deliberations ahead!
  15. Gus as FA compo for Chip Still think the 2 x 1st and 1 x 2nd for Dogga may prove fruitful. Jefferson needs development and size, but looks very good at training. Freo's 1st and 2nd in next year's so-called super draft will be interesting to watch Time will tell
  16. He's hit form at a good time, especially if Kossie is rubbed out. Our small forwards played well last night
  17. That's the only thing going for Kossie: impact to Smith was low. Otherwise: intentional, off the ball, in air at impact, reckless and (arguably) some head contact Doesn't bode well IMO
  18. Further, let's see if they bite consistently, regardless of player star power
  19. Smith shouldn't be such a short arrse
  20. He was a wonderful ruckman to watch. Len Thompson too. Different era, almost a different game back then
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