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Everything posted by ANG13

  1. I guess you’re never going to visit and watch training at Casey with @picket fence.
  2. Agree totally with you, I don’t think we would have time to be talking to other applicants or not have it leak to someone.
  3. Ross Lyon at Fremantle and St Kilda second time around?
  4. I will be honest I don’t want to hear about the labour or see the baby.
  5. Half expecting Petracca and Oliver to be named co captains for season 25 tonight.
  6. He’s lucky to have a job now.
  7. Sure is, how bloody dumb are they to think this would be kept quiet.
  8. Yes very true but still can’t see that happening.
  9. I think you’re dreaming. Why the [censored] would he want to come anywhere near our club.
  10. Isn’t one of the issues that Goodwin and the football department don’t want to trade him but by the sounds of it the board do.
  11. It really is quite unbelievable and incredibly sad where we currently find ourselves again.
  12. I think you need to post it a few more times yet.
  13. Well apparently Ch7 are after Whateley so you might be in luck.
  14. If your Fremantle you would be doing everything possible to get him. They already have a very talented team, underachieved big time this year. Get KP and Bolton and they should seriously be challenging next year. I hope he stays though.
  15. He may be a [censored] but he can kick some bloody good goals.
  16. I have a feeling we might see some of your best today.
  17. It will probably be one of the highest rating grand finals ever and the Storm just won in front of a sell out crowd that was one of the quickest selling games ever at the ground.
  18. The world went mad quite a while ago.
  19. Not sure I want him back at our club.
  20. Well finally some good news. Luke Darcy one of the worst commentators in a very strong field apparently stepping away from the media.
  21. I am not a betting person but I would say a hell of a lot.
  22. This is entertaining.
  23. How is umpire no 22 still umpiring.
  24. Thanks. Apologies to @Little Goffy, I seriously have paid zero attention to team selection and had no idea Sam had been left out.
  25. What De Koning are you dreaming of getting?
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