Dog act. This strike is only intending to incapacitate an opponent. Therefore, this should really be stamped out in the game these days with suspensions, but don't think we've crossed this bridge yet. It may be open hand, but it still would hurt given it looks like the base of his palm makes the contact so would generate more force in the strike. Get this solar plexus strike wrong, could easily break his xiphoid process (bottom of his sternum bone).
Only got to watch reply yesterday. Good to see team continually to lower eyes with I50 entries and a lot of selfless plays i.e Brown lining up for goal then passes to Chin in better position, and defence acts I.e Petracca saving a goal, Fritsch stopping Hawks ball movement with a spoil on the wing. Hawks look stifled with their ball movement and great to see when May and Lever were out we still restricted 38 points. I feel that we have improved a lot in centre clearances too, amazing seeing a multiple clean centre clearances and kick straight down the guts to hit a target for a goal. Good signs early in the season.
Really depends on the era and who is in the teams at the time. Dirty, grub like players and club cultures (dare I say it) influence my dislike for teams.
1. Colon-wood. Always have a swathe of [censored] in their team at any given time.
2. Geelong and Sydney are a tie for second, much the same as Pies but to lesser degree.
3. Essendon more so now historically, talking the Sheedy era and drugs saga.
Great win. Slowly grinded the dogs down. Clear and conscious effort for most of the game to lower the eyes and change angles, was great to watch. Several examples of selfless footy on display e.g Oliver and Kozzy could of rightly gone for a goal late in the game but lowered eyes and delivered to someone closer to goal that resulted in goals kicked. Considering there were a lot of shoddy decisions go against us for most of the game to win by 45 was a great effort, reckon umpires gave them 3 or 4 goals.
6. May. Solid as a rock and showed good aggro in the contests.
5. Oliver. Showed good composure late in game and started to lower eyes as game went on.
4. Billings. Good pressure and run all day.
3. Petracca. Won crucial contests later in game and stood up to quell Dogs momentum.
2. Viney. Set the tone early.
1. Windsor. Has some serious quick and smart decision making skills.