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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Tracs kicking is dreadful. Gotta do something to address in the offseason. It’s inexplicable how bad it is
  2. Miraculously only 4 points down. Lets regroup and win this game
  3. Ray you prat. Obviously touched. Get out of the camera frame
  4. This is disastrous. Bench jvr for the rest of the game otherwise he’ll get injured as well
  5. Just like the Carlton game. Not switched on start of the quarter cost us the game.
  6. We’re fast asleep. Thinking of the QF
  7. Sydney kicking themselves out of this game
  8. Swans are playing for a home final so hardly meaningless
  9. Mcartin has jvr in his pocket today
  10. How many intercept marks is that for the swans defenders
  11. Swans midfield slicker and cleaner
  12. Why not call it back when it’s obvious there was no advantage. Should be in the rule book
  13. Rubbish advantage umpire. Should have given us the kick after the siren
  14. Boweys form not great heading into finals
  15. Hickey always plays well against maxy
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