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Everything posted by BDA

  1. you'd worry about the home town umpiring if your were a Giant. Greene was nearly choked in that tackle. obvious head high. free all day long. not given
  2. Toby Greene is my favourite non-mfc player
  3. excellent H&A season. very close to AA. he was very poor last night. plenty of heart as usual but coughed the ball up continually.
  4. She always has time and never panics. It's a rare quality that only greats possess.
  5. poor bloke will be having nightmares. it was a shocking mistake. He had a great H&A season but didn't influence finals like i thought he would (he wasn't alone there). Hopefully the team can regroup and have another crack next year. and hopefully more luck with injuries
  6. 6. Hanks (if only we had a male equivalent for the mens team) 5. Hore 4. Pearce 3. Mithen 2. McNamara 1. Macken Great contributors all round and no passengers really.
  7. The girls are in great shape. Playing with confidence, scoring heavily and moving the ball with real purpose. Hard to know where we stand until we face the Crows, Lions and North but so far we've blown all our opponents out of the water (and to their credit the doggies were game and had a real dip today but were just outclassed by us) Hanks superb. She's a cut above every player in this league. always has time and rarely wastes a possession. Hore very good. Pearce played well today (and ably assisted by Campbell who i've been very impressed by this year). Lily always gets stuck in. West just barrels through contests. Heath is the female Nev Jetta. tough as. We have outside flair in Mackin and McNamara and up top we have 2 great targets in Harris and Zanker. We have all the tools. I'm very confident about the season ahead. We're going to be hard to stop. Go Dees
  8. Eliza West should keep it simple and just dish it off. butchered a great opportunity there because of poor disposal
  9. That was a seriously dumb 50 the doggies player gave away there. And Hanks punishes the stupidity. Hanks is my favourite player. top notch ball use and great composure. Hore was good first quarter but a little wayward in the second. Fair play to the doggies. they're game and having a real crack here.
  10. Purcell misses a sitter. Playing well in general but goal kicking is poor.
  11. the wind is spoiling this game as usual. I really don't like Casey Fields.
  12. hope bannan isn't too badly injured. looks like a bad sprain of the ankle
  13. is there anything in life as reliable as the Casey gale. 3 goal per quarter breeze by the looks of it.
  14. Thought I should add I had no problems with the Carlton supporters around me at the game or on the train home.
  15. Would take a ridiculous offer. If they offer Jordan Dawson as part of the deal perhaps
  16. During the finals campaign of 21 we were purring. Moving the ball with purpose and freedom and belief. What inspired that? Where has that gone? We play with too much fear now. The balance is slanted too much towards defence in my opinion. I don’t know if its in Goody’s make up or not but the players have to be allowed to express themselves sometimes. There’s a weight holding them down the last 2 seasons. It’s all system system system. And system is important, don’t get me wrong, but players need to be let play. I think the straight jacket is impacting our decision making. We take the safe option or wrong option too often. And I might just be talking through my hat. But if I’m a player I’d rather die with my boots on than be caught out playing the percentages over and over and losing in the same way.
  17. You're in a spiral deever. today is depressing but don't do this to yourself. its just a game at the end of the day its a beautiful day so i'm heading out now with the family. Watch our womens team later. life goes on
  18. I don't think the captaincy would suit Trac at all. Reckon it would weight him down. Max is captain until he retires. Yes he missed kicks last night but he has never been a good kick. Maybe someone like Rivers in a couple of years could be a good option once he has more experience.
  19. We should trade aggressively to get this pick. Take 4 and 5 to the draft and let JT work his magic. Get some top end talent in to address some list gaps.
  20. I'm looking forward to watching the girls play as well. I love how they go about it. Joy to watch. I love Maxy and the boys as well but watching them play is draining. It's almost suffocating. I think we'll win big again today. The doggies have really fallen away the last year or 2. Dees by 30+ points
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