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Everything posted by BDA

  1. First up. she knows nothing about footy and presiding over a footy club. If she did she would have visited Trac. She should have stayed as a board member with responsibility for the home base. her one task (and a big task at that) Pert should have done the interview. where is he? And whats the go with Brad Green. whats the point of having him on the board? The club need to stop trotting out the same lines. Stop treating us like fools. There are problems. Acknowledge them and tell us how you intend to deal with them. I can;t say i have confidence this will happen. External review needed. Peter Jackson to lead it.
  2. she has made matters worse the tone and approach all wrong. more deflection and spin "we are working hard in the background". doing what? what's the point in doing interviews just to give us more of the same. the same that has got us into this mess in the first place. just be truthful and sincere Kate yes. Trac has said he wants to be at another club. He has raised issues which are valid and which we will address. Thats where you start imv. what a mess
  3. didn't answer my question. you're a time waster. don't bother responding to this post
  4. if he goes to the eagles i want harley reid in return
  5. what are you going on about? the reasons have been listed already in this thread. what facts do you want exactly. one example. the board promised a new home base. they did not deliver. and it doesn't matter whether you think that is an important issue or not. It's their metric. at what point do you think they need to be held accountable on this point?
  6. wasted millions on legal cases, no home base, poor comms, Pert spaffling on about culture and making himself look like a fool, brand trashed under their watch the list goes on. Do you reckon this board deserves a clap on the back. everything is hunky dory. what are they doing right at the moment?
  7. Nobody comes out of this looking good. Shambles all round. Barass doesn't have anything like the profile of Trac. and he's Perth based. Trac is torching us. He has brought all the media focus. He set this whole chain of events in motion. I'm sure he has valid grievances but talk of brand and bigger clubs is a slap in the face to us supporters. I was a big fan of his before but he'll be no favourite of mine when this all settles down and he has to re-integrate back into the team. there'll be no cheer from me when his name is announced on Rd1 next year. I'm not happy with players leaking no matter what the reason is. Thats not leadership at all. I've lost faith in the board. We need a proper external review of the whole club. I'm very disappointed all round
  8. what is the club doing right at the moment? just facts please
  9. BDA


    I haven't been following either but i don't have much faith in McCarthy. and Dak has got to stop throwing picks in big games.
  10. These exit meetings may as well be held in public.
  11. Give it a rest Werridee.
  12. I can't believe how badly advised trac is. Blaming everybody except the tea lady. what a sook.
  13. yep. you could read it like that in which case probably not the smartest to hold the meeting in a public place.
  14. Why does our playing group leak like a sieve? It's a very poor look for all concerned that details of private meetings make there way into the press like this.
  15. BDA


    I'm in You mentioned you're a cowboys fan @ElDiablo14. I'm a cowboys fan as well. You might be interested in joining the NFL tipping comp that @Macca runs
  16. You have confidence in the current board. On what do you base that confidence. You sound like you are close to the club so I'm happy to hear why you think the board is doing ok. genuine question i'm not trying to be difficult. and just to be clear 1. i wouldn't vote to have Peter Lawrence on the board. He's a passionate supporter and has done a lot for the club but he doesn't have the credentials for the job. And he certainty should not be part of any review of the club. 2. i'm in favour of board stability. but only for so long. The home base, for example, is a promise that has not been delivered on. There has to be accountability at some stage. 3. Ego driven or not the club is involved in 2 legal cases. the judgment in the case brought by Peter Lawrence does not paint the club in a favourable light. And the comms around this to members was very disingenuous to say the least. Thats a red flag in my book. And as i've said i don;t understand why regular reviews are a bad thing. If Peter Jackson was to review the club tomorrow, what would be wrong with that? He knows the place and knows what is best practice in running a footy club. I don't see the problem. I really don't.
  17. I took a straw poll amongst the Carlton fans at work today. No way do they want to swap trac for harry mckay. Not sure how representative of the broader Carlton faithful but they were pretty emphatic. His age is also a concern. i think trac and us are overestimating his value.
  18. Why do you need issues to have a review? I’m reviewed annually. My firm is reviewed every 3 years. if the review shows a clean bill of health then great. Everybody can pipe down. seeng as you did ask the club embroiled in legal cases and wasting valuable and scarce resources on legal costs is reason enough to question the boards judgment. What’s going on with the home base. Comms from Pert and Kate recently have been disingenuous to say the least. We’re in the media every day one the week. there are plenty of reasons.
  19. I got the email Too much noise around our club for too long. The instinct for self-preservation is as strong in organisations as it is in individuals. No one likes being reviewed but regular reviews are good governance. I voted in favour of an independent review. If conducted properly it can only be a good thing. Terms of reference key. Get the best in the business and empower them to leave no stone unturned.
  20. In normal times this thread would be hopping
  21. i wouldn't have him anywhere near the board. He's a dingbat.
  22. that's a lot of change in one fell swoop. every senior position changed other than Goody. That would unsettle me if i was Goody. Bring in a new CEO. Let them assess the lie of the land and make changes as needed. New head of footy top of the list for sure. The other problem, which perhaps can't be avoided if the change has to happen, is the upheaval will get in the way of making the changes needed in the assistant coaching team.
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