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Everything posted by gs77

  1. I thought that discussion was forbidden?
  2. To me it looked to be towards a nearby player closer to the boundary who wasn't in a position Trac had expected them to move into. Gameplan not clicking I assumed. We just looked so disconnected today.
  3. Maybe he was just last in the room and everyone else had filled the chairs from the back to be as far from the spray as possible?
  4. Duty of care. Turning a player around and pulling them backwards in a tackle puts them at your mercy regarding contact with the ground - and here the head indeed makes ground contact. A silly tackle.
  5. Or they've received calls from Goody, JT, seen and shared the club's social media post, fielded texts from Trac and other players, and have been contacted by our media dept to tee up a welcome video?
  6. Hopefully the Cats have a few mediocre years to bring Chris Scott back to the pack a little.
  7. Phew, I thought you were referring to us in that first paragraph.
  8. Goodwin's presser reporting Petty as a rolled ankle. Hopefully that's accurate.
  9. If Petty doesn't get up, does Jeffo get a look in after his bag of 5 today?
  10. She couldn't hold it Oct-March?
  11. A bit odd- it is definitely a 3.20pm start, so not exactly a "night" game. But when they say access to level 1, that would be gen admission bays on L1, not Members reserved seating areas.
  12. The KB game will be a massive stress-test for the mental fortitude of our team. The media will be lathering up the Maynard/Brayshaw background and we all know how the filth supporters get emboldened by that. There will be feeling and physicality on field, and a hell of a lot of aggression from over the fence. Hopefully we can right the ship in the next couple of weeks to go in with confidence.
  13. I love this idea - have some kind of klaxon go off the moment a player runs over 15m. It'd go off regularly and players would be perplexed, being so used to blasting past that distance without penalty for years.
  14. I have, and he is showing some promising signs, so why ruin that by throwing him to the wolves before he's ready?
  15. But at the last moment that psychopath Parker drives upward to change his point of impact from torso to head. Not to mention the very sudden beeline he makes to the player, turning on a trajectory away from the ball. It is simply off the ball thuggery and has no place in a game that wants to survive in this millennium.
  16. Aarrgghh how could I forget Pig 😭
  17. Really want the two teams with "Melbourne" in their name to get the job done today.
  18. To me it has the strong whiff of a frustrated player taking his anger out on an opportune target. Reminiscent of Alex Rance whacking a prostrate Jack Watts in the back of the head after being beaten in a marking contest a few years ago.
  19. Lever, May, Langdon, and I'd add Ben Brown, each filled vital holes in our line-up leading to our 2021 success.
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