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kev martin

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Everything posted by kev martin

  1. That area is the usual gathering place for spectators. They probably didn't expect the big numbers, so many of the 10+ end up down the slope if no place on the fence. Best place to watch those right footers kicking goals from the boundary at the end of the session. Would assume the players had no idea that area was for the 10+ consecutive year members. The area on the other side of the sheds is flatter, central, and probably more suitable to the large 10+ group. Would also give punters access to the players on the walk back to AAMI. One of the coaches had a chat to Robbo on the loud speaker in the marketing area, probably only those close could hear the banter. Give the club a heads up, @Kick_It_To_Pickett and your good self. Another family day in July is planned. Demon Family Series July School Holiday Open Training Date and location: TBC (Gosch's Paddock or nearby location) https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times
  2. Thanks @Kick_It_To_Pickett and @Fat Tony for the reply.
  3. Not such a good morning, weather wise. As I arrived, it starting raining, settled into watching some Victory players have a kick around. The MFC squad come out as the rain abated, they had wide smiles as the walked down the roped corridor. Plenty of joy from the supporters towards them, kids everywhere, maybe about 500 to a 1000 of us. Rehab/light duties, Hunter, BBB, TMac, McAdam, Bowey, Chandler, Melky, Sestan, AMW, Spargo, Turner. Chandler was doing enough running to suggest he will be right. I expected Hunter to be in the main group, must have had a setback. Looks like they are working on the fitness of Sestan. BBB and TMac are managed, no obvious hindrances, and the easy recovery run is usual for them. A surprise with AMW, just as we were suggesting he is nearly ready, he goes into rehab. I couldn't tell what the problem was. No Hore. They split into three stations, short kicking, a kind of soccer competition of kicking the ball down the field with finesse from outside the line, and a structured handball game. Down came the rain again for 5 minutes and then cleared. They did some structured sims. Coaches would move the ball from the forward line and set a high mark for a backman who would slingshot it off via spread and/or corridor it with links, to either a marking forward or to a forward that brings the ball front and centre. may was moving well. They had a couple of meetings in the middle. Finally, they head to the boundary for extensive signings. Great atmosphere.
  4. Next Training at Gosch's Paddock Demon Family Series April School Holiday Open Training Date and location: Sunday, April 7 (Gosch's Paddock) Inclusions: Players training Signing opportunities Kids' activities Partner giveaways 11:00am: Event open to public 11:45am - 12:15pm: team training 12:15pm - 12:45pm: players signing along the fence 12:45pm - 1:30pm: Field open to the public for K2K 1:30pm: event ends https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times
  5. No reward for our tackling. Well done backline. Adelaide, mostly individuals, trying to win it by themselves.
  6. The draft, free agency and assistance seems to offer less than being destiny clubs. We have done pretty well lately as a desired club, like Geelong and others, that keeps us competitive, as we fill holes in the squad with experienced players. Fremantle is the desired club in the West at the moment, and look at them flourish. The system has some flaws. I still cannot figure out how we and other successful teams continue get numerous high draft picks, even though playing finals.
  7. Weagles need something for the eveness of the competition. Teams who play them twice get the advantage. Goes for others stuck down the bottom as well, assistance hopefully creates, 'close games are good games'.
  8. We lead off the round again. So much to like about our seasons start, especially quietening the media about our off season 'disrupting' us. The Crow has been doing lots of promotional work and could be distracted tonight. Anyway, I expect a hard fought game, we have the right stuff and should make it tough for them. They have to turn their season around, and we are a difficult team to play. That defensive zone we have, based on gut running, player connection and role playing is great. They will have to have a plan to cut through us, especially if they don't move the ball quickly, and I wonder if Nick's can out-coach Goody's brain trust. Cmon team, be clean smart, find space, and continue to fight for everything. Go Dee's!
  9. Could it be a debut for Tholstrup?
  10. Kossie must have a licence to fly. He is getting better at the timing, though plucking them is still away off. He seems to want it, wouldn't take his joy. When he starts clunking them, his confidence will see him take Mark Of The Year. In the least, he has to play smart, and know when to stay down and crumb.
  11. Agree, though not as bad as the Weed. JVR tends to turn his hands so his palms are nearly in a straight plane. Needs to make a bit of a pouch. I am a Stafford knocker, don't think he is up to the finer details in AFL. When drilling the high marks, he is on the bag. How can he instruct from that position? Hoping we get a specialist marking coach in. Kossie also needs some guidance with the speccy. In the previous game we competed a few times in the air against each other. Pack marks marks aren't our speciality yet. C'mon Jacob, be clean.
  12. Sometimes they have run throughs and laps, close to the end (before goal kicking) of the session.
  13. I've thought the same thing, looking nearly ready, though the injury report is 3-5 weeks (hamstring). He must have difficulty going top speed when running. I haven’t seen him really open up the jets. Is McAdam sprinting?
  14. TMac has been regularly training in runners in the recovery and Captain's run this season, (the strapping is new). BBB as well.
  15. A couple of things. Umpires, it was obvious to me that they decided to even up the count in the second half. Port benefited from some decision, and our backline stepped it up and repelled them. Predicted score. Take your chances, work hard to maintain momentum, win the moments and score in time on, makes the predicted look out of kilter. Feral looking supporters. We are all equal and disparaging others because of appearance says more about the slingers than the derided.
  16. They wanted that win, how exciting to get a win over a contender early in the season. Worried how they broke our lines with tne handball game, and found a fair bit through the corridors. JVR has some work to do, need to find a way to bring him into the game early. Petty needed the run. Woey did well when he came on. Rivers got going. Salem needs his role settled. So many took their moments when they were called on, Sparrow, Windsor, Fritsch, Kossie, Chandler, TMac, Hore, and Howes. BBB, Lever, Tracc, Gawny, Langdon, Viney, McVee, played well. ANB finding space and in so much. Oliver new when to put in the effort. The backline was under pressure for alot of the game, and worked through it. Controlled the momentum and tempo at the right times. Love that they are off to Glenelg with the 15 kids tomorrow morning to hunt for the eggs. The club is really supporting the family club, after the poor news through the week and preseason. Season defining win.
  17. Prime time game, match of the round, media heckling, players standing up. Being the underdog could gives us the boost, as we go in without entitlement. Tackle and pressure, be clean, and run run run. Hoping for a standout game from JVR. Go Dees!
  18. Many seem to like AMW. I am still on the fence. They have given him a run of half-back at Casey lately, where he wasn't great. Much better up forward. Can move well in tight areas, is a reasonable kick, can get in and under, he has some size for a small, and will fill out as he matures. Loves a goal. Not like Kolt or Chin, AMW at his best is more of a Farmer type player if he can continue to improve the skills. Also requires more confidence and aggression.
  19. Some of the hits on Oliver were when he relaxed after the ball had just left the area, and unexpected. Glad he just laughs at them, and goes in again as courageous as ever.
  20. You are right, from that picture it looks like they are holding it together with tape and bandage. I thought he was wearing one of those elastic stockings.
  21. I thought they all looked fine, fitness wise. Ball handling was up to the standards. My guess is they would have to get some competitive sims into them. Given it was a short session, the Wednesday full training would be the better place to judge. McAdam is the best prepared of them, Hunter still needs more conditioning, and Turner looking ready, though only gliding without full effort.
  22. I thought Lever was lightly strapped, and did a 30 minute workout with a trainer. Looks good to go.
  23. Fairly light run today, as it is the recovery session. Mainly grid work, large and small, with goal kicking to finish. Some of those who didn't play Saturday and have now integrated back into training did extra laps at the end. Tracc and Sparrow also joined them. Hunter hitting up beautiful kicks. Turner looks fit. Melky into everything. Viney looked like he has a small niggle. In the run throughs was behind the pack, which is unusual. Petty without restrictions, was kicking goals 50 meters out with accuracy and ease. McAdam and Sparrow joined in as well. Chandler in the rehab has some light strapping on left knee. TMac didn't do much with the group, mainly running laps. Bowey working hard, running sprints, then laps.
  24. Numbers are down, 24 in the main group. none who played yesterday at Casey are with them. Light duties include, BBB, Lever, Chandler, Spargo. McAdam is in the main squad, as is Melky, Turner, and Hunter. TMac in runners, though full training. No May
  25. I agree, AMW is nearly slated in, heard it on the rumour roundabout. I just didn't see him in the first half, especially when the ball was in the area he was playing. Given he is possibly one of next ones to be given an opportunity at AFL level, I was expecting much more. Though, a bad day for many of them.
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