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Everything posted by Cassiew

  1. Hawks kicked the last 5 goals. How many straight behinds have we kicked.
  2. Hopefully this is our bad quarter and it’s done and over with
  3. You know when you swear it’s going to be censored
  4. It was bad that Gawn missed, but I was furious that he laughed after it. Does he think this is a joke? He nearly cost us a goal the other end
  5. Really let them back with that last goal. Still we’ve had it in our Forward most the game. Hopefully it will continue on the other side next quarter
  6. If anyone is complaing about this performance, there’s no satisfying some people
  7. Should win if we stay focussed. Hawthorn are definently not pushovers, though
  8. Got back after the game and some relaxing drinks at dads house. Was an enjoyable game. They caught us by surprise and we were guilty of some poor disposals, but overall a good win. Showed we are able of snubbing a comeback. The roo hoodoo is hooroo and thank goodness for that. Must never let a streak like that happen ever again. Well played boys. Thank goodness, no wearing bunny ears at work on Monday!
  9. Taking the whole family today. Will be very surprised if we don’t win. Even have a bet to wear bunny ears to work on Monday if we don’t.
  10. Yeah if anyone disagrees with me can always count on him liking the post. Without fail
  11. It’s way to early to dismiss Brisbane as a loser team based on last year’s performance. I remeber people dismissing us in 2016 because of a scrappy win against GWS, who later went on to make it to the PF. They were horrible in the first half. We were horrible in the second half, but they were playing good if not inaccurate. Zorko was incredible. I woke up in my guensey very happy this morning
  12. That last line. Bulldogs were a lot like that in 2016. Hmmm
  13. They’re complaining. I had to wear my mates sweaty work socks for three hours if we lost. How do they think I’d have felt? Seriously I don’t know how they ever did jumper swapping. Yuck
  14. I think he realised the other teams know what we’re up to. No ones that stupid
  15. Yeah I noticed that. ? Youd think we’d lost that match
  16. IN the 2016 grand final once Dogs got a sniff, Sydney could not stop the momentum. We gave them a sniff, but we did manage to stop them overtaking us and pushed the lead out again. But seriously I think defeatism has sunk in so far for some people they don’t know anything else
  17. Again, I’m sure he will realise now it’s one game too many. In all seriously, our players were too cocky. One Brisbane got in the game, they panicked. You can’t take away from how Brisbane played in the second half, they were good while we were awful. Main point is, we did step up in the end and never gave them the lead. We did win the game. Early games can be tricky as we don’t know what sides are capable of. It was an ordinary effort, but there is no way in hell im going to sleep disapointed when we win a game. Be sleeping in my gurnsey tonight for sure
  18. It’s like the Geelong game with a different result. We barely lost to a top 5 team, nobody’s happy. We let a bottom side team in, but beat them by 26 points nobody’s happy. Geese not every game is going to be decisive one way or the other
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