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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Interesting timing. I don't agree with much from Lloyd, but he is also questioning whether Jones and Viney stay on as captains for the reasons stated above (age, fitness etc). Judd seems to think Viney should take an extended break. Lloyd also wonders whether an investigation should be called into our performance in 2019 due to pretty much everyone going backwards (so, not just injuries - actually looking at the guys who have played this year and asking why they have declined). I'm in favour of a formal enquiry into the first half of this year. There's a lot of footy to be played, but that just means that we have time to actually correct things rather than just do much of the same, and then be shocked when we're still bottom 4 (if not dead last) at the end of the year. https://wwos.nine.com.au/afl/melbourne-demons-football-review-called-for-by-matthew-lloyd/ec3c6bf6-3b05-4817-af22-940ee6e4be70
  2. I hope so, I have a lot of time for Jack. Choc full of potential and love for the club. I just wonder whether removing the burden of captaincy will help him rediscover/redefine his game.
  3. I thought Harmes was good, and tried hard! Weid was much better, and looked more confident. He'll get better, especially once he starts getting some better delivery Trac was much better in the midfield. Fritter was decent. I think he provides much better value up at half forward.
  4. By the way, I agree that we should see how this year pans out. I would expect that the captain would help to correct things for 2020. My question is just a thought and should be considered as part of the mix of things that will need to happen to dissect a year gone wrong.
  5. I don't think it's a matter of spitting out our captains. Jones has been an immense servant and leader of this club. If we're to move forward we need to do difficult things. Sometimes that means people stand back (Jones can still be a part of our success next year). Viney needs to focus on his health and form. It's not like he's been out of it just this year, last year was not a great year either for the same reasons. It isn't just a form slump. It's a separate issue but I'm not big on this co captain thing either. We're looking at a bottom 4 finish, and may very well be bottom next week. After last year, and if we are to finally to correct our trajectory and be taken seriously by other teams (we're not, the GWS players comments about us last week are proof), we need to do a lot of difficult things, including changing our mindset, and reboot with the talent that we have.
  6. Burn. You're right, maybe we can change things by asking no questions and doing nothing at all. We can call 2020: Head in the sand.
  7. I'm with you 100% I haven't put either under the blowtorch. I've got a lot of love for Jonesy. He was there in our darkest times and I don't question his loyalty for a second. However, his days are numbered. That's the reality. Jones can still be revered in the time he has left in a supporting role. Viney is on the other side of things. Young, but hampered by injury (probably still not right), and just not himself for a long time. We're going to need a lot of changes if we're going to be taken seriously next year. Sure injuries will play their part, but a lot else has to go right. It almost has to be a rebirth of sorts. New, better gameplan (bomb it into 50 is not working), new vision and perhaps new leadership (I'm only asking the question, but to achieve different results, we need to ask questions, at least). For the record, I don't think Maxxy is necessarily the automatic leader, even though he appears to tick all the boxes.
  8. I don't think it will 'fix' our problem, but it's a good time to think about it. This year's a bust. Jones is on the way out, and Viney has not looked himself for a long time. If we're going to pick ourselves up off the floor, it's going to take some serious leadership.
  9. True on all fronts. I just worry that captaincy is an added thing that could complicate his game. Not a great example, but kind of like Smith being made captain of the Aussie cricket team (pre sand paper) - great batsman, not a great captain. But then again, it might be made available to him, he'd take it and his leadership could guide us to a proper evolution from 2018.
  10. Lever is in a great position to be captain. Where he's at, he can see games building, and falling and could easily be in a position to implement change @Sir Why You Little
  11. Yeah that's my struggle on this one, even though from the outside he would seem to be the natural choice. But it's not always the BOG who needs to be captain. Just a consistent performer. Someone who will bleed on he ground, give no quarter. That certainly describes Maxxy but it shouldn't mean automatic captaincy, because he'll have other things to think about. Could go a Harmes type? Young (but not too young), hard at it, consistent. Nev when back? Lord ➡️ captain?
  12. No doubt, but it would be interesting if he instead chose not to captain next year, much like @demon17 has said. He could cite a focus on getting to full health, and form without the high burden of captaining the team.
  13. That's the truth! This could be one of the notes of said music changing.
  14. It's hard to think of a more accomplished guy to take the gig. Yeah this co-captain thing is a bust as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Trac looks so much better in the middle! He was generally good today.
  16. As part of a fresh 2020 campaign (following a solid, injury-free preseason, smart recruitment, delistings, and devising an ACTUAL gameplan), we need a new captain. One, not two. And preferably not Viney. I like him, but he's been off the boil for a long time, and Jones won't/shouldn't be around much longer. We need leadership. We need goals kicked when they count, tackles that can't be broken, and vision. We need somebody to lead the group, and show the rest that there is a standard and it won't be compromised. Who do give the role to? I think Maxxy would be great, but I also worry that it might be too distracting for him, he already does so much.
  17. As part of a fresh 2020 campaign (following a solid, injury-free preseason, smart recruitment, delistings, and devising a gameplan), we need a new captain. One, not two. And preferably not Viney. I like him, but he's been off the boil for a long time, and Jones won't/shouldn't be around much longer. Who do give the role to? I think Maxxy would be great, but I also think it might be too distracting for him, he already does so much.
  18. The only current upside (for me) is that my son is only 8 weeks old, so he can't fully appreciate how bad we are right now, or what I've done to him by preparing him for life as a Dee. He watched today's game on my lap and fell asleep. Smart kid (chose not to watch, and also got some much needed shuteye).
  19. Even better, bottom 4 is generous. If the Blues beat the dogs, and the Suns beat the Saints next week (both very possible)... We'll be dead last.
  20. Preuss up forward would be great. He's tall, he presents, and he'll crash and bash, perfect. Also really dug Lever, May out back. Maxxy was 20 feet tall out there. Sorry about your neighbours out there, it's a real shame. The cycle is the worst bit.
  21. I agree, I think we should be in full 2020 mode. Even if we try a few things and fail, we can't do much worse than we already have. We might even learn some things for next year! And we can do it with no risk.
  22. Between both of your suggestions, we have a perfect club and we're ready for a tilt at the flag! I'm excited!
  23. If you were earning as much as they are, with no repercussion, you would too! Haha ☹️
  24. ...With this year well and truly done (just for laughs, if the Blues and Suns win next week, we'll be dead last), I really hope the club now just narrows its focus to 2020, with nothing escaping the microscope - off season prep, Goody and our dumb football, player's positions, captains, who should and shouldn't be there etc. Today's positives: I liked Hannan and Hunt up forward again. Weid looked great, yeah his kicking wasn't great but he looked more confident. Imagine if he gets decent delivery! May, Lever and Hore will get better out back. Will be pretty sweet with Hibbo and Salem doing their thing. Can't ask much more from Maxxy either.
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