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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Is it possible to train/instill pride during the off season?
  2. Skills have been missing all year for whatever reason. BUT WHERE THE HELL IS THE PRIDE? I thought we were building a brand!??!
  3. I'm so sad I just ordered Domino's pizza. And I'll eat it, too. I support the Dees and I deserve nothing better!
  4. Remember, though - they're asking for faith and patience. Another 5, 6, 7 or 8 years. That's all!
  5. I stopped watching the game because I remembered it's Friday night and I can do literally anything else, and find more joy. I take it from the comments that we're not winning? Are we good/ok/respectable yet?
  6. It's true. We waited for so long for a few Friday night games. We got them, and look what we've done. It'll be 2050 before we see another one.
  7. That worries me even more. We've gotten worse (remembering we had to 'gel' and get fit after not playing much footy in the off season).
  8. 3 goals in a half of footy, at home, against 15th on the ladder is pitiful.
  9. A lot of angry people here tonight... To be fair, though - it's a BIG ASK for 17 to beat 15th on the ladder. Clearly daylight between these two teams!
  10. I agree. I'm no OMac fan (I'm usually in favour of him playing for the 2s), but I thought he was ok at times. At least looked like he wanted to be out there, and played with intent.
  11. Yeah, I know what you mean, but he also delivered well and contributed to a couple of other goals. If there was someone else who kicked straight, I'd have said they were BOG, but there wasn't. He's generally a decent kick for goal, off day. If May played the game out, he would likely have received the 'honour'.
  12. Fritter BOG for us. Trac went missing a little, but did some nice things. Maxxy looked flat (I don't blame him) Pies are depleted, but they're not much chop. If you only beat us by 17 points, are you even trying? God this season has felt long. Two more games to go...
  13. Oh man. May has been generally our most consistent performer since coming back. Seriously, wrap the guy up in cotton wool for the rest of the year and get a good preseason into him!
  14. So that's what a turnover goal looks like when it's in our favour. No wonder other teams love it when they score so many against us! (Great goal by Trac, I wish we saw more of that from him, he's been pretty ok today aside from the quiet patches).
  15. We'll lose this game, but we'll always have Q1, when we almost kind of looked like an ok club with some promise.
  16. We're not going to play finals this year if we keep playing footy like that.
  17. Here we go. Also, those turnover stats look dreadfully familiar.
  18. We might be the turnover kings... ... But at least we're KINGS! (Sorry, I don't have much else positive to say after that quarter).
  19. I'm sick of the Grundy > Gawn chatter. Grundy consistently gets pantsed by Gawn.
  20. I know it was said above somewhere, but our field kicking has been fantastic, best I've seen us move it around all year. It's almost as if we started to looking around and remembered that those sorts of kicks are basics, and should be executed.
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