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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Didn't see that, not great - but it's weird because he was so lively, especially early on. To be fair though, if I could have slept through that game, I would have.
  2. Agree, there'd be a sense of regret, it's a great opportunity - but (for me, at least) I'll be happy if we play a hard fought finals series, and give nothing away for free. If we lose, I presume we will have been beaten by a better team on the day. We can learn from that (rather than the lame 'learnings' and lessons when we switch off against spud teams). Obviously, I'd rather win 3 games in the finals (provided we finish in the top 4 haha). In any event, our draw and start don't dictate whether we make a GF, as the stats/W+L record is no longer relevant in the first week of finals. Whilst we have made great inroads this year, our slow starts, poor conversion, switch off mode (particularly against lower teams) means we are still susceptible to teams with more experience/maturity (like the Cats, Doggies and even the Tigers). Having said that, do I think we can win the GF? ABSOLUTELY. We can beat anybody (and have beaten all relevant contenders). But none of that matters, as we need to bring it every week in the finals. The boys must play selfless footy (not just when it suits), and take their chances - because many of the other teams have been here before and will know to take their chances.
  3. 2021 - year of the sneaky flag! I like it. Given we are nowhere near our prime, a flag this year would be delicious.
  4. PHEW! Haha Agree with that. The ability to keep that pressure up (much like the Tigers of late and Cats etc) will come with experience. As we get better, the less they will accept the ordinary performances.
  5. Thanks for the positive read. Think I needed it. Was kind of like a free therapy session (it's free, right?). I'm not as rage filled as some after last night, probably more disappointed that we lowered our colours to a current lowly team, who as you put it, pantsed us for so many years. Looking forward to our time in this space, I know it'll come. For now, we've won all our top 8 games, and lost some of the others. Pretty much a reverse of 2018 - a situation I'd much prefer. Looking forward to a thumping performance against the Suns, I know the boys will want to make amends.
  6. Simple truths are the best. Goals win games. Until we learn that, we are exposed to teams like the Cats who are ruthless and take their chances.
  7. I wonder why the #1 team continually has "learnings" playing bottom feeder teams? When will those learnings be implemented? I know we're not yet Cats/Hawks/Tigers of recent years (yet) (we could be, but we need to actually address these things). Do you remember them continually being taught lessons by #17??? I don't. None of the learnings from our shock loss to the Crows were fixed. Hacking the ball forward, poor decision making and terrible goal kicking is just as prevalent as it was then. Are these things actually being looked at? I hate buzz words, because the boys then believe that saying there were "learnings" are part of the process, but they're not if you don't actually do anything about them. Instead of a Gus and Gawny podcast, I'd love if they mic'd up and went to practice goalkicking. I'd listen to that. Or instead of one of the other promotional videos, they show footage of the boys lining up for goal after goal. Practicing skills. Etc.
  8. I hope Goody doesn't try to spin some crap about two halves or just being outplayed by an inspired outfit. We were cocky, fumbly and dumb. What was Goody watching on his tablet? It certainly wasn't the game because I didn't see any meaningful changes. Pure garbage. Goody should just call it what it was and be done with it. It pains me to say I'm actually worried about playing the SUNS next week. They're playing some decent footy.
  9. I can't believe I wasted my Saturday night watching this. Even with lockdown and next to no other options, pretty much anything else would have been preferable. No redeeming points from this game. We'll never earn trust or be feared until we put lower teams away. Again, just for reference the Hawks got smashed by 60+ last week, against FREO. Embarrassing.
  10. A draw would somehow be even more embarrassing.
  11. We're approaching 5 minutes left in the game and we leave two Hawks unmarked 20 metres out from goal?
  12. AvB is such a slow footballer. Not only pace, but he's about 3 steps behind the play. Not fit for our current style. Maybe back in chaos footy days but not anymore.
  14. What in the actual hell has happened to Trac's delivery into the 50!!!????!!!!??!
  15. Are we playing with a wet ball? How come the Hawks aren't playing with a wet ball?
  16. No matter what happens here two things have to happen: - We have to demolish the Hawks this QTR. - After the game, if I hear 'a game of two halves' or some crap like that, I'm going to lose it. Goody should come out, say the game was pure crap and apologise for us being subjected it. Nothing else.
  17. If you were to watch this game without knowing ladder position, you would 100% think the Hawks are #1 and we're #17, and the Hawks haven't put their foot down yet.
  18. Don't let anybody fool you with talk of spirit and underdogs or any other crap. THE HAWKS ARE A VERY BAD TEAM. I know we've been winning the important games this year (and that's great) but we will never be truly feared until we bury these teams.
  19. This is such a frustrating game to watch. 1 v 17 and we look RIDICULOUS.
  20. Sloppy Cocky And smashed at clearances. What is up with us? Freo mauled these guys last week. FREO! We'll win this, but geez these BS halves give every other team in the comp a look into how to beat us, and until we stamp our authority in these games, teams will always turn up knowing they're a chance against us!
  21. A solid return - about as good as we could have hoped/expected. Was present around the ground, contested well, drew defenders (!!) and delivered nicely into the 50 (he lowers his eyes!!) 10 disposals and no goals is not what we want from a KPF, but it's his first game back - he should have been paid 1 or 2 marks as well, but the umps were probably still looking for holding the man decisions to pay against us. He'll gain confidence from the game and will be better for the run. He'll kick a couple against the Hawks. As we gain momentum, so shall BB. He'll be a missing piece for the finals!
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