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Everything posted by Bartleby

  1. heard they're doing a 2nd season of making a murderer, which seems weird, i didn't watch it but i'd figure they covered everything the first time, unless it's a different case.
  2. Update: I'm still enjoying Preacher (but I'm behind) I liked the comics a lot better. Outcast is getting boring.
  3. I've been watching Preacher and Outcast which are both new shows based on comics. I feel like they're dragging out a bit.
  4. I think Batman V Superman comes out on Bluray pretty soon. I still haven't seen it.
  5. I somehow missed Batman Vs Superman. Definitely gonna grab the Ultimate Edition in the next week or so. At least I'll see it properly for my first viewing. PS. I liked the Masters of the Universe movie for what it is. I have a VHS of it signed by Dolph Lundgren.
  6. Little Finger's army was organised secretly by Sansa, in the next episode she refers to how she should have told Jon they were coming and that they need to trust each other, or something.
  7. I liked Mad Max Fury Road, but only saw it on a plane, so I had control of the volume... Really enjoyed it, had low expectations and the previous films never looked interesting to me, but now I'd consider checking them out.
  8. I actually thought Battle of the Bastards (2nd last episode) was the finale and was pleasantly surprised on Monday at work to find out there was still one to go. Did anyone notice that Varys seemed to travel between places very quickly?
  9. It's definitely good to see more of them again. With the Hound I had been saying I won't believe any characters are dead in this show unless I see them die on camera (not including those who get resurrected). That also being said, there's a few who are less likely to return, in that it would take away suspense if some of the ones who are implied to be killed off screen all actually survived every single time. Eg. Stannis.
  10. She thought she was going to like them... Maybe she liked a particular actress or something. She didn't deliberately choose bad movies to annoy me haha.
  11. It was great having a public holiday last Monday so that I could watch the show early. I hope the whole High Sparrow storyline wraps up soon, I don't really enjoy that storyline. Ramsay has been too quiet lately, assuming something epic will happen to him soon. Great replacement Joffrey.
  12. My ex gf made me go to the outdoor cinema the Botanic Gardens a few years ago to see Breakfast at Tiffany's and I did not enjoy the movie at all. She also made me to go see other really boring movies that even she didn't like, but I cannot recall their names.
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