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The Big Sauce

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Everything posted by The Big Sauce

  1. Mitch Brown doesn’t have to worry about being dropped. He’s injured. Done his ankle poor guy. Get well Mitch.
  2. nah...don't muck around with a winning side. If a change must be made change the medsub.
  3. In Viney out Sparrow
  4. I'm so super excited I got to the G at 7:00 AM! Bring it on boys!
  5. Matt Jones delisted this morning. Good luck for the future Matt. Thanks for your contribution over the past few years.
  6. He would have played more than 10 games if he wasn't injured. Goody likes him so he's pretty safe
  7. I think you'll like Sansa again after the 9th episode of the current series
  8. I'm sure the high sparrow is a fake. He's a no-one.
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