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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Surely a Bedford couldn't do worse. But it really is like switching witches hats at the moment. We don't really have anyone better than ANB in the magoos right now.
  2. Right now, he can only hit a target 15-20 metres away under little pressure. Anything else and he is next to useless.
  3. We are in front, yet I feel just as bad as I did last week. We have so many passengers and blokes that, right now, aren't AFL standard. It's terrible. Salem has gone backwards. Can hit a target over 15 metres and that's it. Gus has no impact. Bennell looks like he is running across ice and doesn't want to be touched. Only plus for me is May. Has been sensational, and love that he is bashing and crashing and sticking up for his teammates.
  4. That was absolutely terrible. Lazy and arrogant.
  5. And then we cough one up instead. Nice one, Dees.
  6. Yep. The only thing the umps have said that is relevant is that one more for us would break their backs a little.
  7. Fair play to Tomlinson there. Turned a rubbish kick into a win with some good work on half back.
  8. These umps are rubbish. That wasn't a free to Jackson. 4 goals between Weid and Jackson at the moment is a big win.
  9. Also, Steven May is absolutely killed it a the moment. Absolutely smashing Walker.
  10. Can anyone tell me what Weid is doing playing behind? Hold on, another free to Adelaide. What a surprise.
  11. Really? If he was standing up and pushed him off his feet, fair enough. But that was nothing. I don't care if they want to stamp it out. It's a soft, soft reversal. AVB shouldn't put himself in that position, but still. Soft. I fear for the game if this is where it is heading.
  12. Also, I love Derm trying to talk about respect for players... coming from someone who ran through huddles and belted blokes.
  13. I'd like to say that we need to see a replay to determine how stupid it was, but Vanders shouldn't even put the umps in a position to reverse it. Just talk some trash and leave it at that.
  14. Ha ha, Ricciuto saying it's great umpiring to reverse it. I wonder why? No bias there. If we're playing any other side we're down at quarter time. We aren't playing well at all... but we're in front. How, I don't know. Viney and May have been good. Thought Sparrow had a dip and Langdon was good on the wing. That's about it really.
  15. Well done Sam! Nice bit of play there thanks to a good kick from Trac.
  16. One thing - good to see that Oliver pluck that mark, so it looks like we might be resting him forward. That's one positive so far. Viney has also started well. But we need to lift elsewhere.
  17. They're all going for the Crows tonight. We'll need to get used to it.
  18. Big time. A Crows player running to the bench made sure he smashed in to him on his way off, when he had no reason to.
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