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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. I said it earlier, but I don't understand how a side goes from playing some terrific, team first football just four or so days ago, to serving up this absolute slop. This is on both coach and the players. The players are playing arrogant, lazy football, but then why isn't Goody making sure they don't have the loose player behind the ball? Every time we go forward we are outnumbered.
  2. How was that from Fritta and Trac? Fritsch with the Hollywood handball and then Trac misses a 25 metre pass. I don't know how many times I can use the word terrible in one thread, but that's what it was. What a joke of a first half. An absolute disgrace. Nothing positive from it. We kicked 2 goals against a side in the bottom four. We look tired, disinterested and lazy. We are playing arrogant, selfish football and we have paid the price big time. And we deserve it.
  3. How can we go from the Saints game, where our team defence and effort were excellent, so throwing this up against a vastly inferior football side? I don't get it. I really don't.
  4. How many times will we allow them to pick off one of our kicks inside 50?
  5. That Jones play is absolute arrogance at a time when we just need to do the basics right. A disgraceful piece of play from someone who should know better.
  6. No idea how he misses Gawn in that situation. Just terrible.
  7. Compared to what someone like Oscar is throwing up, he looks like the next coming of Silvagni at the moment.
  8. Oscar with the dodgy handpass and now Reid has beaten him on the lead twice. He aint up to it.
  9. I'm not one to get nervous at a shaky start, but gee, we have come out this term and almost looked worse than the first term. Some diabolical footy going on.
  10. Viney no awareness, but where is the talk from those around him to let him know he is hot? And now, that's the third Swans goal from a crumb inside 50. Terrible from us.
  11. Disappointing finish there. Should have kicked that. Pretty average start but, hey, we lead. Lots of improvement still to come and we generally start slow.
  12. Great kick again from Melksham. At least he is switched on today.
  13. We are - but against a Top 8 side we're probably a few goals down. So we're lucky that we've been off against average opposition. Reckon the wind is playing a bit of havoc as well.
  14. Seriously, where is the talk? Why in the world do we need three going up when Gawn can take the mark? Ridiculous play.
  15. That's been the most disappointing thing so far, Moonie. We put more pressure on then around the contest and it resulted in a goal. We need to lift big time in that area.
  16. Nice finish from Gus. Understatement to say we needed that.
  17. That kick to Weid on the lead sums us up so far - he had two to beat, then they had another to help mop it up. Where are we at the moment? If they have so many loose, why aren't we getting more of it?
  18. Two of their goals from crumbs so far. Not good enough.
  19. Clearly, if you think it through, there was no one inside 50 to kick it to. That's why he took as long as he did.
  20. Our numbers at the fall of the ball inside 50 is really letting us down at the moment. A few times it has hit the deck and they have had 3 or 4 players to our none.
  21. We have certainly settled here, just need to make the most of it.
  22. That's better. Good kick from Melk to Brown's advantage.
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