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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. We're at an interesting point in this sage. It does seem as though Jack is on the table, as most media outlets both in paper and on radio have confirmed his meeting with Port, which suggests that we've told him he is up for trade if a club will take him on. Port look to be one club who are keen. The other part is - do we need to clear salary cap room for Lever? I don't think we have to. I know we will have to re-sign some key players over the next few years, but with a rise in the salary cap I can see us fitting in Lever without too many problems. At any rate I think PJ and Mahoney will be all over this sort of stuff and wouldn't jeopardize our future for one player. Hartlett is an interesting one, although I'm not sure how keen we will be. On his day he can play some good footy, but those days seems few and far between. There is plenty to play out here, but I have confidence (blind faith?) that our FD will do the right thing.
  2. I think you'll find you are forgetting Mitch McGovern, who would play ahead of Watts.
  3. Why would the Crows want Watts? Makes zero sense.
  4. I'd rather Saad if that was on the cards.
  5. It would have to be with Port if it's true. Why would the Crows want Watts? They already have Tex, Jenkins, McGovern and Lynch down there, not to mention Betts and Cameron at their feet. Port is a little more understandable, but I'm a little skittish about a potential deal as I don't think we'll get fair compensation.
  6. Well that's lies. Carlton only recruit players from GWS.
  7. @CHF is the first person in at least 10 pages to put forward some rumours that actually make some sense. Cheers.
  8. 5 years and 900k is what he will be paid on average over the life of his contract. We might back end it or front end it to suit what we currently have on the books and what we may have in the future, but the days of them being paid that same amount every year are well and truly over. It's nothing to be worried about.
  9. Doubt that will happen, but good on the Suns for playing hard ball and starting high if it's true. They won't get Duncan, but they deserve to be compensated fairly.
  10. Suns have made it clear they don't want picks but would rather a player instead for Ablett. Darcy Lang is the one they seem to be keen on.
  11. It's school holidays. Always brings out the worst at this time of the year.
  12. To be fair it's the first time I've ever been truly critical of Misson, however it seems I've got a short memory in regards to our injury list from last season. Your point is well made.
  13. What can I say, I'm a sucker for punishment.
  14. 2 point loss to Freo and a 13 point loss to the Tigers where we dominated for all but the last term, and we didn't score a vote in either. Get stuffed.
  15. They just had a small piece on Jack Viney and his missus getting ready for the Brownlow. He blamed Jack Watts for the price of his partners dress and vowed to have words with him about it.
  16. Really well written, @rpfc. You've covered all bases well and I encourage any who skipped over it to go back and have a read. I don't want to tread over the same ground too much, but I've mentioned before that I think Goodwin's biggest failing this season was his failure to adapt. I'm not sure if we can put that down to inexperience, stubbornness or both, but when the two off the back of the square stopped working we didn't really have a Plan B. We just kept at it, even when everyone could tell it wasn't working as well as it was. It could have used a minor adjustment but it seemed they felt that, because it worked so well in the first half of the year, there was no reason why it couldn't in the second. I'm hopeful that, over the break, they really sit down and not only tweak the gameplan but come up with at least a Plan B when things start to go wrong. Injuries also hurt us big time this year, with the majority happening on field. Is this bad luck, or is it something we can rectify? Misson has been with us for a long time now and I can't recall us having a really clear run with injuries during his time at the club. I don't want to throw him under the bus but maybe something needs to change there as well.
  17. I reckon Clarry will have a great opening 10-12 rounds and then tail off as the season progresses. It's still amazing he's done so well for a kid so young.
  18. Another move that would make little sense to me. We have no need of a bloke who is at the tail end of his career and injured all the time.
  19. I agree on all counts, LH. I don't want to see Watts traded and IF he has been put up for trade and we've allowed the interview then it's very poor form from our end. I guess I was just asking @rpfc to hold fire on sinking the boots in until we truly have something concrete to work with. It does seem a strange time for an interview at any rate. I'd rather hear nothing about the club unless it's a confirmation Lever is coming to the club. They can do their talking on the training track over summer.
  20. We need to be careful here, though. Where has it been stated as fact that we ARE actually putting him up for trade? There are plenty of baseless rumours flying about, such as Ricky Nixon posting stuff which he would know nothing about, but there is close to nothing concrete. I find it hard to believe that PJ would allow something like this to happen if we are looking to trade him, yet the fact we're allowing him to get interviewed and state his love for the club suggests we aren't. Until we know for sure then I think we can lay off sinking the boots into the club.
  21. That makes no sense. Nice try at humour, but it doesn't suit you.
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