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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Yes he did. He dropped him. You can spin it however you like, but he was still dropped due to poor form. It's the same old chestnut every time. And prove to us how Goodwin has 'degraded' him, which is such a ridiculous statement I don't even know why I am acknowledging it.
  2. Or the totally unprofessional way he turned up to pre-season training? The reason I talk about 9 years is that this has been going on for a while. He'll play some good games, then play some shockers and get dropped. As someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, Bailey, Neeld, Roos and Goodwin have all dropped him in their time as senior coaches. This is not a new thing and it's not good enough for someone who has been at the club 9 years.
  3. Why shouldn't it? It looked like he might be turning a corner, again, so he got a new contract and in some respects went back to the way he was. If anything the expectations for him are greater than those who haven't been in the system as long. He shouldn't be making these mistakes.
  4. Not looking at anyone *cough* @DaveyDee *cough*
  5. Believe it. It happens every year.
  6. I think it's more that we have a soft spot for him, and maybe I should have used those words. We've invested in him as a number 1 pick, the kids absolutely love him and it seems as though the players love him as well. What isn't there to like? It's easy to feel attached to certain players to an extent, and Jack is certainly one of those.
  7. Whilst I agree with this, you can only take those individuals so far. Maybe Goodwin believes he has gotten as far as he can with Jack, and if he is still not meeting the expectations the club has set in place after 9 years in the system, then they may need to set an example in this situation by moving him on. A behaviour ignored is a behaviour condoned, and if we continue to allow Jack to not commit himself fully to the club (as has been discussed) then we need to make a clean break.
  8. Slightly harsh there, D11. Others are welcome to their views on Jack. If you read through this thread I don't think you'll find a more divisive player in the competition in terms of the player we think he is, what he brings to our side and what he might be worth in a trade. The one thing that makes Jack stand out in this case, and why so many feel strongly about him, is because he seems like a ripping bloke and he genuinely loves the club, even if some of his efforts on field don't necessarily reflect that at times. He's a little different to the rest and we've invested so much time and effort into his career. I'm not disagreeing with the club in terms of moving him on, but at the same time I understand where others are coming from. They are certainly not peanuts.
  9. It's not all about pressure acts. Otherwise he wouldn't have been dropped. You're cherry picking a little here. He wasn't kicking goals and getting his hands on the footy much either. Watts has pushed himself out IMO. If he gets traded then he has no one to blame but himself. He has been given chance after chance after chance - others get a few and if they don't take them then they are moved on. He's had enough to last a lifetime.
  10. I would agree that 2016 was his best year for the club. However, this year he didn't put the effort in for pre-season and was then dropped towards the end of this season as well. His commitment and work ethic have again been questioned, which means internally the players and coaching staff aren't happy with him at all. It's almost as if he had a ripper 2016 and then took two steps back. And that's including the middle rounds this year when he was terrific as well. I just feel as though we'll have these discussions over and over and over again until his retirement and nothing will have changed. If he still has the currency to get something that will help us now then I don't blame the club for pursuing it. You only have patience for so long, and he's been given more than most.
  11. The wildly different views on Jack should be proof enough that it's time to move on. He is entering his 10th season and we are still having the exact same conversations about him that we've been having for more than half a decade. If that's not evidence enough then I don't know what is.
  12. This is the same David Schwarz who declared we should trade him only a few years ago. I love the Ox, but he can't have his cake and eat it too.
  13. Of course it is, but Watts isn't worth one. He is far too inconsistent.
  14. It's one example, but is he worth more than Tom Mitchell, who went for just a first round pick last year? I don't think so.
  15. Serious question here, LH - why would there be a [censored] storm? I'll be disappointed to lose Jack, but at the same time I can understand where the club is coming from as well. I won't be angry as I see it as a statement of intent. Obviously we all handle things differently, and there is nothing wrong with that, but I'm genuinely interested as to why the club will cop it for a decision that most have been calling for for sometime (which didn't include myself).
  16. Now you're making stuff up to suit your whiny narrative. Hogan is not going anywhere and, if he was, it would be for plenty.
  17. Again, before we absolutely [censored] our pants over this, let's wait and see what actually happens. All we know is that the club, potentially, has told Jack that we plan to move him on and one club he has visited is Port Adelaide. That's basically all we know at this minute. I know many of us have a soft spot for Jack, and rightly so, but let's not act like children and pot the club when we have no idea (yet) as to what is going on. So, take a chill pill and relax. Be disappointed at Jack being put up for trade, but also consider why this is happening and waiting until we know more.
  18. You know what? You are probably right, but we aren't going to get full value here. We're the ones moving him on, not the other way around. If he goes to Port then we're likely getting Pick 29 back, which to me is not a whole lot different than Balic and a third rounder. At least Balic has been in the system a few years and will be ready to go come pre-season. Either way, at that price above I'd much rather keep Jack, but it looks unlikely that it will happen.
  19. I said consider all 8 years. Not 2. I love how wonderfully selective we are.
  20. If we take our red and blue glasses off and consider what Watts has done in his 8 years at the club, he isn't worth a whole lot more to be honest. I'd rather keep Jack, believe it or not, but I think it's more so because I don't want to see him succeed elsewhere. The problem is that I don't think clubs will be falling over themselves to trade for him, and for that reason we probably need to take the best available offer if we've decided as a club to move on from him.
  21. Have a little faith, Ernest. The off season is but a pup. Plenty of water to go under the bridge before we need to worry about those sorts of problems.
  22. Three way trade: Balic and Freo 3rd rounder to Melbourne Watts to Port Port second rounder to Freo. No source, just making stuff up to put off doing any real work.
  23. There is zero chance we are getting Wines in this deal. Great to think about, but he's contracted and he loves it over in Port. We're either getting picks in the deal or swapping for some other player.
  24. If he isn't best 22, or even 25, then no. We need to recruit for a tilt at finals and a premiership over the next 3-4 years, and Gibson doesn't fit the bill.
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