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Bravo Oliver, Bravo

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    Lord Nev Chunk

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    The Hills
  • Interests
    Dees, The Planet(Stupid)

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Demon (2/10)



  1. I always saw Harmes as a solid contributor and a genuine nice guy. Whats to boo?
  2. Website now says Harmes is the sub
  3. MFC Website still saying Hunt is 2-3 weeks
  4. Some great performances but for me, Smiths solid performance coming in late with FA matches was a standout.
  5. maybe go for the beer and don't watch the first half?
  6. welcome back .. hope your not sharing a hotel with Katie Hopkins :) Go Deeeees!
  7. Would really like to see our speed align with our skills to cut right back on the fumbly football!
  8. So .. you've been here before ?
  9. Good to see Hannan looking good
  10. Couldn't agree more. I keep the sound on for the names of the Oppo players.
  11. Perfect game DLand meltdown par excellence followed by a convincing win:)
  12. pretty comprehensive ?
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