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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Not the thread but wondering if anyone knows whether one can buy MND beanies at the ground rather than o line only?
  2. 10 points for creativity. If that were his name, it'd be the opposite. He'd be in the AA team every year regardless of whether he were playing or not.
  3. I don't care how many possessions he's getting. It's Tom Phillips. I'm disgusted.
  4. Playing him at half back would be worse than playing him wing. He simply can't play those positions due to his weaknesses. Unfortunately for him, they're not just football related. His physical attributes are also very underwhelming and add to his vanilla profile. He isn't quick, in fact he's slow. He lacks agility, power and he's not tall. The reasons he's not playing in our 22 is thus: A) He is behind all our inside mids in regards to impact and effectiveness at the coal face. B) He is extremely limited as a player which means he cannot be played in any other position. Fine for depth, but if we remain injury free I think a team like Carlton or St Kild could offer overs for him, (like we did early days for immediate results). And that would be a big win for us given Jason's strike rate from round 1-3 of the draft.
  5. The bloke has no idea. Tom Phillips is in his team.
  6. You are and always have been outrageous. Well done.
  7. Not really. Did I say he was the 'right' replacement? I said his skill set is more similar to that of Lever's. I've watched him on TV and read reports on him. I'd be keen to see him ahead of Frost. I'm not sure in how many ways you'd like me to articulate this. I want to see Declan play at the level. Simple.
  8. I haven't seen him, no. But reading his profile when we got him and hearing about him from people I know who have seen Casey tells me he is much better suited to Lever's role than Frost. Plus I don't rate Frost. I'm just hoping Goody and co have the courage to give Keilty a shot. What's the worst case? He doesn't play well and we give Frost/Smith a crack.
  9. Frost is not that player. His strengths are his speed and athleticism. Not intercept marking, positioning and smarts. You need those three qualities to play that role and he doesn't have them. Keilty is the man.
  10. I'm interested in why so many believe Frost is the answer? He's been trialled in all positions, has been on the list for a number of years and is still playing at Casey. For a backline that needs all the composure it can get, I can't understand why posters want a bloke who is prone to every couch killer in the book? I would rather lose a few centimetres and play a smaller backline than have that galoot running around. He is not a footballer and doesn't have a footballers brain. If we decide to go like-for-like, I'd rather give Keilty a go for a couple of weeks to see what he's like. He's on the list, give him a shot at the big time and on the big stage. He strikes me as a more natural intercept defender. We know what we'll get from Frost. And it's far too inconsistent. Time to try Keilty.
  11. Maybe, maybe not. A second round pick and I'd do it in a heartbeat. Tyson hasn't developed any other area of his game and these days if you're not dominating at the coalface, you have to be able to offer the team something else. And given his deficiencies as a player, he can't offer us that.
  12. Oath. Heres hoping he's not next in line. Would much rather Keilty or Smith. Even T Mac back and Weed in for the forward role.
  13. Wish this game was at the G for Jones.. Hoping we pull a decent crowd to support him regardless.. Dees by 200
  14. It's genuinely unbelievable that I'm still hearing posters say he's best 22 when he's running around at Casey and we have no injuries. He was pushed out of the square when we got better quality into our club. And he was pushed off a wing when we saw how little he was giving the team in that role and Goody realised how much better we worked with some others playing there. He is extremely limited as a player and the Dom Tyson fan club need to realise that the MFC's fortunes are more important than Dom's. Nice guy, average player. Time to get over it and enjoy the fact that the team is playing great footy.
  15. Can confirm that we wouldn't be interested in 'any' player. And no, I didn't ask Mahoney.
  16. Yeh, look there's probably a bit more to it than that big fella. It's AFL, not Aus kick. Confidence is obviously an element. Goes without saying really. Clearly we straightened a few things up structurally after our Richmond loss. Hibberd moved up to his half back flank position, Lewis started playing back a lot more and Lever began positioning himself a lot better. Goody decided to play players in their natural positions. Gus and Jones in the guts more often. Hogan to play mostly forward, the addition of a third tall to give Max more rest time and to become a threat up forward. Taking Tyson off a wing has done wonders. We've had Tom Mac and Fritsch play on the wings with Fritsch being able to pierce defensive zones with his left foot. Tommy as a two way running machine on a wing means he is always in really dangerous positions. Why Tyson played there I'll never know. Hopefully he is now firmly in line for an inside mid role if one of our first choice players go down. That's the only position he should ever play. Obviously the addition of T-Mac has been enormous and Viney last week. Both players are incredibly important. Along with all that is the fact that we've been able to play a number of our role playing players into form with ANB, Melksham and Harmes all playing to the level we need. Hoping it continues right through to the bye.
  17. My mistake then, thought it was the Alice game.
  18. I imagine for management sake, there'll be at least one change. Playing in Alice is energy sapping which is evidenced by our push for a future bye after these matches. It would have taken it out of a number of players for sure. One change I could definitely see is Lewis for Hunt. It was hard to be critical about yesterday's team performance but if there's one player who looked like he was struggling a bit, it was Jordan. He looked super slow once the ball left his area and he butchered the ball too much for someone who usually uses it so well. He's also old so I'm sure his body would appreciate it. Other than that, hopefully everyone has pulled up well this morning.
  19. Anyone questioning Viney is clueless. Even if his 'touch' isn't quite there yet. He was monumental at the coal face today and his pressure and tackling is out of this world. He wins scraps on the ground when he should have absolutely no right to win them. Two against ones, you name it. I have nothing negative to say about today's game. It was by far one of the best four quarter efforts I've seen from this club. The confidence we now play with is what is most exciting and I can't believe we're still injury free. Dees.
  20. Pity about Tommy but we'll still be fielding a very strong side regardless. We need consistency in performance from all players if we're going to win this. I don't want to see a big drop off from a bunch of players after only a week. Also, taking Tyson out of that wing position has done wonders.
  21. Maybe I should have used the word *challenge for the three players. Thanks for the input though.
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