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Everything posted by camillo

  1. And I believe that Gold members of the football club should be given a chance of becoming members of the cricket club to reward their loyalty.
  2. Please not " ice " at this particular time.
  3. Start an online petition demanding he quit and send it around all the other AFL chat sites.
  4. This is my point why do we have do everything the american way. On Monday night on 360 deg I heard Buckley talking about his ' line coaches '. Our game is an indigenous sport and we should be promoting it as such not becoming pale imitations of some loud yankee extravaganza.
  5. My family and I went to the game in Canberra on Saturday and couldn't believe the over the top ground announcer. At three quarter time he went into biased raptures about how many goals the giants had kicked. And all this in between screaming out over the top advertisements. I wouldn't go near the place again.
  6. Before this competition went national we here in Melbourne and Geelong had one of the best competitions per head of population in the world. One of the key ingredients of it's success other than the game itself was the atmosphere created by having both teams supporters in the same ground. The problem with a national competition in this country is tyranny of distance and a small population which means 95 % of supporters can't travel to interstate games. Of course this suits TV executives that want you sitting on your bums in your lounge rooms watching ads.
  7. No he's right and calling another poster ignorant without regard to his argument is just plain stupid in my opinion.
  8. Totally agree..
  9. Ex Fitzroy players should be dropping like flies then .
  10. Well you may also wonder about our little group as well the ' Marxists for Melbourne ' faction. But as Vladimir Ilyich said ' get in everywhere '.
  11. Ageed ! Problem solved.
  12. Well i'm going for the mighty bunnies my NRL side next week.
  13. The most enlightening and sensible post i've read on this issue.
  14. The interstate teams north of the NSW border are fake football clubs designed by the AFL corporate style commission to hopefully ' grow ' the game in the northern rugby dominated states. The strategy will never work and is only a pimple of interest to the ordinary people up there. I was in Canberra last weekend which is supposed to reflect the culture of the rest of Australia at least a little bit. Forget it, it is nearly pure NSW culturally and Sydney centric. Their hotels and clubs are dominated by NRL with AFL a mere sideline.
  15. He said in an interview ' i'm just a country boy '. That's NLP for i'm going to Geelong.
  16. Great summary thanks.
  17. I wouldn't worry about Roosy to much after all before he went to the AFL franchise sydney he was at Fitzroy which at the time was being kicked to death by the AFL commission.
  18. I remember an email Bruce Hearn Mackinnon wrote to me just after we'd signed Liam. He was saying Liam was going to be better than Lance Franklin.
  19. Does anyone on here know a good place to watch Sat nights game in Sydney. Around the city would be good.
  20. He looked like a Bull Terrier, I thought he was going to bite him.
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