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Posts posted by Brockstar

  1. As far as I can see the Eagles have remained silent on the issue to date. I think they would surely have to make a statement on this if only to deny the allegation, otherwise some people might start believing that it's more than just a rumour.

    Alternatively, maybe the Eagles don't read Melbourne newspapers? :rolleyes:

    Mmmm, a case of selective hearing perhaps?

    You would think their damage control team would be kicking into action before any more "mishaps" occur, but I guess they think they're invincible being premiers and all. Probably feel they can make their own rules!

    I realise there's a few clubs, well most really, who have the odd problem with off-field issues but at what point will they draw the line? If I was *shudder* a WC fan I'd be seriously annoyed with not only the players for their behaviour (and lack of respect for their club) AND the club for their apparent lack of discipline.

    BTW, aren't we lucky to have such well behaved little angels at the Dees?! :wub:

  2. I said initially that

    "Newton, if he is to succeed will rely on his speed, agility and spring."

    I don't see him as a pack marking strength forward, particular early in his career. Hence I'm not worried about supposed skinny legs.

    BTW, is it possible to have weak legs and be able to stand on peoples shoulders when you take marks?

    re. weak legs - Not if Robbo's big bum is any indication! Gary Ablett had a big rear and massive thighs too.

    You would think being of a slight build and smaller weight you would have a good spring, but I guess it all comes down to your pins. Newton has a long time to develop and mature, he'll get there.

  3. neitz killing the saints twice

    neitz breaking the records

    mcleans season!

    beating collingwood again (never tire of that)

    Yeah I agree with all that.

    Brockie vs the Saints was sensational - I watched it a hundred times that week.

    I also saw a positive in Brock nearly being suspended and being on all the news bulletins that week as everyone I know finally said "Ohh, is that the guy you're always harping on about?"

    I'm sure prior to that they all thought I'd dreamt him up!! :wub:

    Chopper + Gehrig = GOLD, champagne comedy!

  4. As if the AFL doesn't have enough problems with TV rights, Carlton and the Kangaroos, Caro drops this BOMBSHELL -

    "West Coast continues to deny it has a drug problem in its senior list but every other club - each of which would love the Eagles' list - tells you it has, and the hard evidence continues to mount.

    We are not talking about marijuana."

    I hope for her sake that she can substantiate this allegation.

    Geez Caro, much as we are all pretty unanimous on that subject you may have overstepped the mark. Couldn't they sue her for that comment? She's gonna have to name her sources in a "please explain?" surely...How annoying is it without white line fever on at a time like this!!? :angry:

  5. Yeah, Ben Beams is a top little fella. He once "defended my honour" when I was a young lass out on the turps one night, taking on a guy who was about 5 times his size..so I'll always be eternally grateful to him for that! Always friendly , he drinks at our local.

    BTW, he wasn't a 5 minute wonder, but does anyone know what Pete Vardy is up to these days?

    Brocky has more than adequately filled the void for me now that Pete's gone but I do miss him still..

    • Like 1
  6. Meanwhile poor old Sylvia is on the sidelines watching his mate Mclean burn up pre-season training and openly state that he wants to be captain whilst knowing that he was taken higher in the draft and hasnt met expectations thus far. Im sorry Col but I'm changing my display pic from you to Brock. :(

    hmmm, you've either got it or ya don't! Unfortunately for Sylv, Brock has it in bucketloads!

  7. Hi guys!

    Obviously Brock would be my choice for next el capitano :wub: but lately I've been trying to put my finger on what makes him the obvious choice for so many of us. Everything about him is just so right and has been since the get-go. Obviously he is a great leader, he is an amazing player with a great footy brain. What media he has done has been impeccable and he JUST LOVES FOOTY... They broke the mould when they made our Brocky that's for sure, and for him to state that he wants the captaincy, and doesn't appear fazed by money or media only gives me more confidence that he is the future of our club. What good hands it will be in!

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