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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. I am sure the Club will be shaking in its boots.
  2. Thanks Ash. He was a good contributor to the AFL scene through his role as an AFL Commissioner. Condolences to family and friends.
  3. Honestly we have been trialling new tactics and players over the paqst couple of weeks. The heading and tone of the thread befits the doss that Hun serves up through out the year.
  4. I can see that too and I also picture him blowing hard after it and being rotated off as he was out of gas!
  5. While Davey has sublime skills, he has yet to show that he can demonstrate these skills at the highest intensity....finals football. Its a question mark that hangs over him until he performs at this level. If he can demonstrate his skills and make an impact in September at that level his importance will rise. While I do not agree with the order I think the top six fit and in form are absolutely crucial to our success this year. If one or more is out of form or injured then we will be very exposed. I think Bruce at 7 is an interesting one. If we are to be a serious tilt at the flag, Bruce will need to be in Brownlow form for the whole year and kick better too. All that said some of the ordering of the players is odd. Bate, Jones, Beamer CJ and Dunn will be higher than Ward after Rd 1. No PJ either in the 30.
  6. At the moment that's about the best speed he can conjour at the moment.
  7. On the contrary, aside from a premiership and given the factors that have impinged upon his opportunities (eg Board upheaval, inheriting a crap list, salary cap suspensions etc), Daniher has been relatively successful and deserves the right to approach this year with the Club's and supporters full backing. The article in the Hun reflects a mature and sensible approach to the issue by MFC and ND and both should be congratulated for their stance. Given the potential of our list and your belief that you need a fresh start, who would you have in ND's place Jarka? Who is available and would do a better job?
  8. Maybe its the cap over the eyes!....Hmmm
  9. Farmer has hurt us in the past and could do it again. He is a proven finals performer who can turn a match on his ear. Not even Whelan could hold him if he is switched on. Johnson is a capable player who has the potential to improve on a good year last year. He was hardly BOG in the MCG match last year as Freo got flogged by 10 goals and his efforts though better than his teammates was hardly earth shattering.
  10. He would be in mine and I know many others as well if fit.
  11. Eade has sacked by Sydney and overlooked by a number of clubs in their efforts to appoint their next coach ( Richmond and Hawthorn). He has yet to prove himself at the Dogs but has inherited a good emerging list of young players. He is hardly an uber coach. So based on what's available how could we have done better with what was available when ND's contract was due?
  12. There are many aspects that go into winning a premiership and game strategies is just one part. They alone will not win you a premiership. ND's tactics of "run and carry" and tempo" can still be successful whether we do actually win a premiership. The tactics were put in place to address weaknesses in playing performances. Tempo football was clearly effective last year and allow us to close on games we would not have got near in thepast. "Run and Carry" is being planned to address playing on certain grounds. Its being tested in the practice matches and its test is when it used in Adelaide and Subiaco. But based on your cocked measure, you are unlikely to proven wrong in your own mind. The fact is Clint/Pedro you have been proven wrong frequently on this site. And I have no doubt that ND sweats on your potted knowledge of game day tactics. Your avatar is very good and accurately reflects the impression you make.
  13. While we would no doubt be top 4 at the end of a 15 round H & A season, the length of the season is dictated by what you can sell via the TV rights. The current arrangements seemed to suit the TV networks and the general public. No change likely
  14. Given the lack of importance that NAB Cup holds then all suspensions should apply to H & A games. I still smart over the penalty given out to Michael Long in the 2000 Grand Final for almost crippling Simmonds. Got 2 NAB cup games. As for the Wiz, he is as difficult off the ground as he is on it. When on song, he's a champ. Too often he is the chump. A sad waste of talent for a player who so often displays a truely nasty and unpleasant side that undermines the class he is capable of. We saw the best of him at Melbourne. I dont want him back. I have not seen it. But if it is an eye gouge incident then he should go for significant time.
  15. Goodwin was a football thug who would not survive a season in the AFL these days. Limited skill but had absolutely no fear for the contest or the fight. A fitness fanatic and one of the hardest trainers around. Just bugger all skill. Perfect fit for one of Sheedy's hit men. Finished off in the VFA/VFL where he regularly intimidated opponents by his presence and his less than angelic treatment of them. Possibly still playing today somewhere where he would certainly belt the opposition........if he could catch up with them!
  16. All the practice we can get over West would be good escpecially with a closer to full strength side.. I see it is expected to be 32C on Saturday. However, it is going to be 31C in Perth after a series of 40C days. Phew. FWIW, given the expected temperature why dont they schedule the practice match earlier in the day to avoid the heat of the day? I just dont see the value or the sense playing AFL football in that sort of conditions.
  17. I think the disappointment reflected in that article is consistent with the concerns about the new MFC website owned by Telstra. I have merged the topics.
  18. Pratt is no Angel and Gutnick was far far from it as well. Desperate times at Carlton and that odour has been there for some time. I actually thought Pratt might be a positive. God knows he could buy the AFL a couple of times over.
  19. He is already done that and I dont believe had an operation on it in the offseason. Has it recovered?
  20. Thanks Fan. Your learned and insightful comments are always appreciated. Thanks for your efforts.
  21. What have you heard for his selection? He has missed the NAB Cup and the intraclub last week. I think the words "if fit" should be inserted beside his name by deed poll. How so? Who is Miller competing against for his spot (besides himself)? A second year player in Dunn who is still green maybe. He is borderline player who over 12 months ago was removed from the leadership group.
  22. He got a $20k fine with a further $20k suspended. Goodwin laid 4 bets totalling $16,000 ...and besides he is from Adelaide. Ward laid 18 bets totalling about $3,000. http://www.realfooty.theage.com.au/realfoo...2338794209.html
  23. Big day in Mt Gambier. http://melbournefc.com.au/Season2007/News/...px?newsId=38542
  24. Conflicts of interest are both actual conflicts and conflicts perceived by the broader public. Both types undermine the confidence in, and the integrity of the sport. Betting on yourself or team can indeed be conflicting. By deliberately underperforming in previous games leading up to a game where you bet on, you can improve the odds on yourself or your team for a win in respect of a game or event and thereby clean up big time at the unfair cost of others. There is definite scope for manipulation of outcomes. Its why its not appropriate to have players, coaches, referees or officials involved in a sport actually betting on that sport. It lends itself to both actual or perceived conflicts of interests which are a cancer on the sport.
  25. It is when you are involved in the outcome of the proceedings....Its called a massive conflict of interest and it does bring the game into disrepute the same as taking performance enhancing drugs. It undermines the confidence of the general public in the honesty of the system. It was right and proper to punish Ward. What he did was just plain dumb. Sportsman betting on their own sporting code is stupid. However, in light of the piffy penalty to a social menace like Kerr who was guilty of criminal behaviour, the size of the fine was harsh. Graz's quote of Nisbet sums it all up.
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