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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. How do you value players 3165? Do you go to Sandy often or training? Share us your secrets.
  2. Given how much footy he has missed and IF he is fit then we should play him. He has missed a lot of football. Madness, how much game time has Beamer had in the past two weeks?
  3. If he does not play again this year, that's almost two years out of the game. He would want to make next year happen otherwise the game will pass him by. I wish him well.
  4. I just think Ward's capacity to turnover especially when he has run a broke the lines just punishes us on the rebound. He played above himself against Essendon the other week. Kbj, good pick up. I listed them on the fly. Realistically we could axe six off the list....Add Ferg. If we cut six, it commits us to potentially taking one in the PSD if there is value. If we cut five, then Ward in and Ferg goes. I just wonder what benefit you get from going so deep in the draft barrel around No 75+ in the draft. If you can cut a deal for either Miller or Jamar...I'd take it. While I dont know about Green, I think TJ would have some value out there. Unless its different from past years, not much has really gone through in trade week. So I am not holding my breath.
  5. Great post TonyM. I agree bjgc on who we need to target in the draft. The same sort of stats results appeared from Tigers game. And we got smashed in the clearances. Not only does it highlight our inability to get the hard ball but itsdoes indicate the relative value of a midfielder than can win clearances over a ruckman who gets the hitout. For all the talk of the need for a dominant ruckman give me a midfielder that can win centre clearances any time.
  6. Like a sieve. Why did MFC take him with Sylvia with a priority pick in 2003 at No 3? Sylvia has always had the explosive attributes but has been bogged down with OP for so long. There have been a number of posters on this site that have been backing Sylvia against the premature knives for some time now. Its just Y_M flying his own flag again.
  7. Just fill in the other 21 squares........
  8. Agreed. It would be part of a bigger deal but I dont discount it. But failing that he should be at MFC in 2008.
  9. I would not write CJ off too soon. We have another seven games for him to be trialled. He needs to perform let give him a chance. More importantly, it will be one of the projects for the new coach to work with. Barring a good trade deal, he will be persevered with.
  10. I would take a third round pick too in a beat. Against Richmond and Carlton we won the tap outs but got smacked in the midfield clearances. Tap ruckman are overvalued if they cant do anything else. Sydney realised that with Jolly and supped with the devil and got Everitt. Given Carlton and Richmond are the two first clubs to go to the well for the PSD, why would they give up there youth and when they could get him for free in PSD!
  11. OK Jamars tall. He has been on our list for 5 years and has struggled to make an impact at AFL level. So what he worth and who would chase him? Ward speed is neither here nor there if his disposal is poor.
  12. I said "may scrap". Its line ball. Ward looks better because our lack of line breakers across HB and the midfield. I just cant see us holding Jamar, PJ and White. And as Jamar is out of contract at the end of the year. How can we legitimately arrange a trade? Jamar is not in the position to set the terms. Isn't he more likely to go to the PSD?
  13. Your Highness, not for those who blindingly say keep without looking at what is across the table as part of a trade.
  14. It all depends on what the deal is.
  15. Great post Allus and your praise of the Club medicos is well warranted and the doctors highly deserving. They would seemed to have worked overtime plus this year!
  16. My observation from yesterday is that we look slloooowww from CHB to CHF. Buckley stood out for his speed if nothing else. I was also amazed at the relative ease by which Carlton would break into open space. We were fortunate they could not do anything with it.
  17. Age has little to do with it when you have the perfect sit. Biz may scrap an extension next year. He has probably pushed ahead of other players who are likely to get the chop. Brown, Neville, Pickett, Jamar, Ward look the five to go for mine He was steady yesterday with his usual brain fades and clangers. It was a perfect role for him yesterday. Played often as the spare man with no accountability for a direct opponent. Against an opposition that was undermanned up forward and were often inept on their delivery inside 50 with regular turnovers, it was Bizzell's salad day. All that said his collision and spoil of Frawley and the bone dumb hospital pass to a teammate 30 metres out from Carlton's goal only highlights the flakiness that gets more broadly exposed against better and more capable opposition.
  18. Not with the performances he has shown and also given the fact the Sylvia has been on restricted development program with OP. The bottom line is that he needs to perform and show something at AFL level.
  19. Who said anything about domination? Competency and capability at this level is all that is asked. He has not delivered to date. The ball is in his court to do so. He has got nine games left. Your serve Chris MFC have been patient with other players like Bell, Sylvia and Miller (overly IMO) who have at least given something to at least show promise to selector. CJ has not delivered and lookec overwhelmed. he has not justified a meaningful stretch of games I am a fan of CJs and have been disappointed with his return since the pre season. But you earn your stripes in this caper.
  20. No. There is lots to develop for 2008 I am more concerned about the performance of certain individuals I want us to get the best possible draft picks we can given the outcome of our season. Instinctively yes. If we as a team and individuals play like the Richmond game 1st half it will be hard to take solace for next year. Yes. 32,123.
  21. He forgot to put in the two good games. He needs to perform. You always are if you dont perform.
  22. When you [censored] a team by 26 goals plus everyone looks good even the bootstudder! Its hard to make an assessment of kicking 14 goals in a whitewash. Its still 14 goals and well done on the achievement but how has he gone against better opposition in a pressure game.
  23. Good points Tequila and Ologist. I am not attacking Ratten but I have never seen anything beyond third or fourth hand hearsay about the regard for him and I question what tangible benefit Ratten can make within 12 months that is can be soo evident to averge supporter who is not close to what is happening in the coaches box or the training track. And for that matter why Anthony Rock has not been given credit for coaching the stocks he had given Thompson was gone, White diminished and McLean and Co young and OP stricken.
  24. Two forwards and a back dont necessarily replace three backs. Our fit list is effectively down to about 29 to select from. Clearly Jamar wont be played as a third ruckman so its 28. Nor will Ferguson as another key defender. Make that 27! Brown survived due to Bell and Green not being fit and Pickett not coming up to scratch. I hope Pickett Holland and Dunn miss. Good chance for CJ to show something. He needs to perform. Bruce as Captain would allow Brock to focus on the basics of his game.
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