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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Great choice. Two players with no coaching experience and I dont know what a premiership medal gives us in that process. A further one more that has not coached for 10 years. Alves got sacked as a perennial loser from St Kilda. Not alot of perspective. I would not be so prominent in the criticism of the appointed group given the calibre of the alternative.
  2. It simple Alan. I will back a sound process and Old has nailed it perfectly. I am amused you dont rate a process you dont seem to understand. And I sure your advice to Old comes from a sound process.
  3. And so far you have shown neither a knowledge of the process nor a capacity to provide a plausible alternative. A performance rich in hyperbole but absent in substance And Warren Dean how does your assessments of the consultative committee diminish their knowledge and experience in football and their ability to provide insight? What suggestions do you have for alternative members for the Committee?
  4. Once again....its the Board's final decision. Your posts seem like a lot of hot air in dire need of some factual basis. Good luck.
  5. Its the Board's final decision. The consultants were appointed by and report to the Board. Your spleen venting is misplaced.
  6. NO they have all got injured before they could do any damage!! Byron Pickett and discipline have been mutually exclusive events this year.
  7. We give him $300K a year. Surely thats enough. It will be waste of crepe paper to make him a banner.
  8. Good post Dr. I think they need to see what they can get off Miller in the next 12 months.
  9. Why oh why give a charity game to a player who blatantly breached team rules during the year and has not for the past two years made a decent effort to present himself fit for pre season. He was a gifted player who could have chosen to do something very special for us by honouring the terms of his contract. He cheated his Club, his teammates and supporters. He can celebrate his 199 games at year end. He does not deserve another one.
  10. People seem to forget that Stephen Powell had a ripping year in 2000 that went unnoticed by many. He was fantastic that year and got so much of the ball. Powell's influence in the midfield that year made other teammates look better and was crucial in one teammate winning higher honours. Its a pity injury and greater opposition attention stifled his influence. He never approached the levels of performance he achieved in 2000.
  11. I have not played AFL football so I think I am out. If I did take the MFC job I would definitely want Y_M and CB in the coaches box. B) Fascinating experience that. Jaded would be player management since she knows so much about what players do off the ground and does not mind a little brawling in the bar!
  12. I think we are the same ticket here Dean. I just dont think that self defence is relevant in this instance. Cheers Very superficial at best.
  13. The issuer is not the company but the actions taken by the respective parties (Voss, Harvey) is Harvey is an assistant coach of the Freemantle Dockers and was at a bar/club and got king hit without provocation. Voss was at a bar where there was some disagreement and upon leaving king hit some one. I dont see the similarity. I have made no reference to either individual's fitness to coach despite your implication. All I saying in response to those that think its minor..... 1. It was a reckless and stupid action to do by Voss. 2. At 34(?) with so much vaunted leadership attributes, his actions do not attest to that. 3. He is now facing court on assault charges. Some of the justifcation of Voss's actions on that night by posters has been breathtaking.
  14. I saw someone physically punch another person in the face. I guess without sound you cant tell if it was a "POW", "ZAP" or a "KAZOW".
  15. I see where you are going Dean but I disagree. 1. Voss's hit the bloke at anytime after throwiing the billiard ball without any further act is still assault. He can try and argue partial mitigation by provocation. Good luck. 2. What do you define as threatening you? Physcial, Emotional, Verbal or Psychological It is not normally self defence to hit someone. Its also assault in most cases.
  16. Gouga, I would hope Davey's value does extend beyond his statistics. He isnt getting many of those. I disagree on your assessment of his importance. Your description of his supposed role on Sunday only emphasises this. He seemingly cant play the midfield. He is unlikely to win the hard ball and has limited defensive attributes and according to one supporter does not have the tank for AFL. He aint going to be No 1 at MFC. Being tagged out of a game by Ryan Houlihan is akin to being punched up by Roland Roccocelli. Fair dinkum, his game on the weekend was poor. Davey only takes one person out of the play and that's himself. A skilled player like Davey should have done more in an ordinary unaccountable game of football like the match on Sunday than 5 lousy possessions. Your stereotyping of Aboriginal footballers is unnnecessary and distasteful. Its a common trait of all footballers. Its not just an Aboriginal thing.
  17. What has that unfortunate persons outcome got to do with Voss? Tacky comparison at best.
  18. Who are these posters Gouga? My understanding was that Mark Harvey was king hit in a public venue by an unknown assailant. Is that correct? Voss's situation is completely different.
  19. Jamar is big. He just has not performed to the standard. I cant see Carlton giving any blood for an ordinary ruckman. They have enough of them. I would be surprised if we get anything for him because he is OOC at year end and he is the sort of player who has value at PSD time. Free. I would be chuffed if we got a 2nd/3rd round pick for Jamar. Great deal if we did.
  20. Its a good question but no But if the right deal comes along........... Its a hard one BBP. I think a player like Davey has huge appeal in the general supporting base and any decision like that would have to be carefully assessed. I would prefer if he proved me wrong. This year he has not done so. I hope he does in 2008.
  21. It is never jusitfied because some one believes it happens all the time. The billiard ball incident is neither here nor there in regard to Voss's action and does not in any justify the king hit. I dont no why you are trying to make an illogical and mystify nexus between the two. Throwing the billiard ball was a brainless act. It does not mitigate Voss. Both the billiard ball thrower and Voss are facing police charges. Both actions were highly avoidable. Alarming weaknesses of character and judgement in both cases
  22. No I would not. It serves no valid purpose and does not achieve any rational or sensible outcome. It just opens up a pandora's box of potential dangers. liabilities and legal complications. Its not a matter of throwing a good punch. Its when you/or some one else initiates an act of aggression in a public place you do know nor can control the outcome. An involvement in a fight or initiating an act of aggression takes away any surety of response by the target or their associates. It is not unreasonable that such matters moves beyond fists which in itself is bad enough. Its just dumb for someone of Voss' supposed maturity and experience to have done. Choice of company and venue is another issue of judgment but of a lesser implication.
  23. Oh dear Its not a matter of who they were representing that provides any justification or mitigation. They are not Jaded. And your reference to brain fades and being human is a shallow treatment. I just dont see how Voss's act of assault is somehow "justifed" by the trenchant stupdity of someone else therowing a billiard pool. One dumb act does not justify a further dumb act.
  24. Picking a Pool Ball up & throwing it @ another blokes head does not generaly end up in nasty, Inept & atrocious behaviour. It is nasty, Inept & atrocious behaviour. That goon was rightly charged. But how does that justify Voss at a later moment king hitting him? Voss was rightly charged by police. If Voss was only keeping the company with certain people, then he would not have had any issue. If you think Voss is perfectly justified..make sure you have a good lawyer and throwing in some counselling too.
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