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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Elmag, its a low probability ask so I think you can relax on that one. Cheers
  2. Will be close to AA this year. I'd have him in pinch. I was thinking Clint Bartram also for the tagging role.
  3. Its been said about Robbo for games leading up to his 200 and will no doubt be said after games in the future. he lets himself down with indulgent selfish acts. Its not good enough for a senior player. Fan is right about Newton. He has been taking hgh calibre grabs at Sandy for the past couple of years.
  4. Three things: 1. If Bomber wins the Cats first flag in 44 years, he aint going anywhere. In fact unless they crash and burn from here, he aint going anywhere period. 2. What makes you think we can outbid Carlton for a new Coach? 3. Why after 5 years at Geelong and having a flag would Bomber toss in his cookies and walk out to an underperforming club like ours?
  5. Given the Club has gone through a gut wrenching battle over relocation, its no wonder they have not opened up these discussions. They may prefer other coaches and may wish for Laidley to leave of his own accord. But they are sitting outright second and exceeded all expectations of them. Given their financial peril is tighter than ours which coaches would they be after? I am not sure North would want Pagan and I am not sure what Pagan brings to North given he went to Carlton to ironically escape the financial constraints of North. There's no Carey at North now to build a team around.
  6. JJC, No I am not. I am saying that Connolly injured his knee which preventing him from potentially ever establishing him as more than an average player. I never said he would be and I never said it was likely. You have alrwady claimed as a champion. He was nothing of the sort. Our incredbile roll came to a halt in the second half of the final. We were a mile in front and fritted opportunities away in the last quarter. We choked big time and lost the belief to nail it. I do recall the match be a hard fought and physical game to the finish with both sides coming off battered. You are fantasizing JJC about Flower. He did his shoulder and was not coming back that year. It was a lacklustre GF because Carlton were playing another team battered on a 28 degree day. before A friend of mine who played in the Hawthorn side admitted they had burnt up their fuel at VFL Park and were sore and emotionally spent upon winning that final. I cant see how MFC would have been any different. We would have been as close as Hawthorn that day. A mile away. And Chris Connolly would have need to be Chris Judd to have made a difference. And they only shared their first names and nothing else.
  7. Pagan has been dead in the water from some time. Who knows......they sack the coach, win the next game and lose a priority pick! Nah not even Carlton could do that. :angry: They will probably sack Dennis after the final round when he wins them the last game of the year!
  8. The Roos are sitting outright second and you think they will sack the coach?
  9. I am not sure if he is mates with Cousins and Gardiner! B) I understood one of the reasons he went west was that his wife/partner was already living there with their young children as she did not like Melbourne. It would seem that his relationship there is problematic given past misdemeanours. I dont think its that simple as the Perth factor and I dont want to speculate on his private issues. Its just sad for Farmer, his family and friends that his life is so troubled. I loved him at his best at MFC but was aware he was volatile back then. He is not part of MFC's future.
  10. Exactly Graz. On Jeff Farmer, its sad to see any person with special talents self destruct. And Farmer has been doing that over a long period of time. Hes an angry, disillusioned character who is fast signing off his own career on the lowest of terms. Regardless of potentially no cost transfer through the PSD, Farmer comes with so much baggage that I would not want MFC to touch with a barge pole. You cannot carry such dysfunctional players in your side and hope to be successful and sustain success.
  11. Long, long overdue for one of the pioneers of the game as a player then as a coach.
  12. You would be doing yourself no favours Jack. Connolly was a skilful players who was cut down by injury before he had a chance to hit his peak. He never reached champion status and its debatable if he ever would have. We were a mile away from the 1987 flag and Connolly on one or two legs would not have got us closer.
  13. Was it actually sarcasm? Sarcasm is usually harsh or bitter derision or irony or a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark. Your original question seemed absent of any of those elements and I am not sure emoticons add anything
  14. No. The apologists are those that think that because Davey cant win a contested ball in the midfield somehow miraculously will star if left in the forward line. Amazing. As has been shown all through the year and alot of last year, opposition teams are going to play hard tags on Davey week after week when he is either forward or midfield. He is going to have to learn to overcome this sort of pressure. But you seem to have Bizkit fooled.
  15. They call them punters. Before anyone gets too excited, how big is the betting book on this and what size bets are coming on?
  16. In order to be a captain/vice captain it is usual that the player should possess and display evidence of on field leadership. Davey may be skilful in bursts but I have not witnessed any significant leadership qualities during his time at MFC. He is immensely popular with supporters (especially kids) but appears rather meek on field. Davey has also been unable to curb his frustrations in other games beside the St Kilda and Brisbane games. They were just two very bad examples. It is concerning that Davey would be surprised he acted that way against St Kilda as he is readily upset in games where decisions go against him. His petulant behaviour could have cost us a final and if not the deeds of others we would not have won. He came back and performed when the game was already won. More importantly his form this year has been poor and his development has plateaued or gone backwards. He struggles in the midfield to win contests and his apologists are saying he should be played in the forward line only. A potential limiter to leadership if ever there was one. You are right he has alot to prove. Lets just see if he can make it as player with a broader skill set before we anoint him with a role he has shown little capacity for. For mine, McLean, Bate, Rivers and Jones strike me as more leaders than Davey. You claims of scapegoating are wrong and the small mindedness may actually be yours.
  17. I agree Alan. So I suggest you discontinue it. It does not matter what capacity it is. MFC officers and players should not be subjected to it. As you have pointed its low. We're still waiting to hear your answers to Bob's and other posters questions about process.
  18. Ready to hear your answers to Bob and others questions about process. Or are you going to continue to duck behind some childish and unnecessary name calling of MFC officers and other posters in lieu of substantiation? We're reading you Alan..but in your case you haven't said anything.
  19. You are asking for beef when your contributions to date would make a Hare Krishna vegetarian look like a ravenous carnivore. Bob's right its certainly a wonderful self parody. I note you avoided his questions. You clearly have not got a clue about process and functions. Far easier to roll out some disjointed cliches to give a false impression that you know whats going on. Very Amusing.
  20. Sydney, From what we saw last time, MFC would have to flood away from the ball to stay even (not ahead) of Carlton. It would be a greater disgrace to play David Neitz at Sandy. He is either fit to play or he is not.
  21. Take your point Classy. I tend to take those sort of answers given in those forums with a sceptical grain of salt. It all started when Everett was a young feral bogan at StK and after every time if ran amok, the StK executive stressed how they saw him as a future leader. Nothing further from the truth.
  22. Classy, Davey was not leadership material prior to that anyway. His immaturity during the elimination final lasy year proved that. Moloney still cant run out a VFL game and given what he has been through, I would not risk him. If Green and Bruce are not fit, I would consider playing Heath Neville. We may as well see what he is like.
  23. While Robbo's application on the ground annoys me, at least he shows an affiliation and love of the Club (sometimes in his own way). It would be a slur to Robbo to have to share his special achievement with someone who has cheated the team and just taken the money during his time at MFC. Pickett should earn his spot in the team. He's the last person I would give a "charity game" to.
  24. That's a superb collection of cliches there Alan. Well done.
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