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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. I would give it to one player and provide the challenge. Bruce for mine. However taming or Ablett will not be solved by that alone. Unless MFC can provide sustained midfield pressure at all points of the contest then we may as well whistle dixie. This includes not butchering the ball by hand or foot. On last Sundays effort, Geelong could just corral us and wait for us to cough it up then swoop.
  2. What a complete bastard! He should be favouring them like a politician in a swinging electorate. The cheek of him!
  3. Was that at the same time Ox was makng continual public attacks on key individuals at the Club? I loved Ox as a footballer. But some of his influence on people at the Club have not been positive. Depending on the role he was given at the Club he might be of service. But I would be doing it on the Club's terms not Ox's choice.
  4. This year we are actually training on a ground that has goal posts! Players no longer have to finish on ground practice and then drive for a hour to a 3rd rate rundown weights room to do their weights. What a farce that is. There are no two full time development coaches as well. People do not realise how far behind the 8 ball MFC is with regard to off field resources. Compared to WCEs set up and the Lexus centre, MFC had little.
  5. I have watched Newton play AFL/VFL footy for a number of years. I am not sure why you would be excited about Newton doing twice in 2 weeks whatever other unheralded hard working footballers do a dozen times a game. Nothing to get excited about.
  6. It might take him 3 quarters to get them and they will all be easy uncontested ones. His opponent will have got 20 possessions in the meantime. I am sure he is impressed Voss as much as he impresses you.
  7. Spot on. As a member, financial contributor and supporter of MFC I will ask any question of any official, ex - player or officer of MFC. No one is above accountability to the members. P.S. Did you lose a year of Gary's service in the quote or has the original post been edited?? <_<
  8. B) For the record, I dont think the Ox was formerly a coach in any role at the WBs. I think it was more an informal mentoring role.
  9. The whole Western Syd saga is to increase the value of AFL TV rights. The filling of stadiums is a secondary nice to have after increasing AFL footage for TV and hopefully increasing AFL TV patronage in NSW and Qld. The two biggest markets the AFL has yet to really crack. The legacy and question of the success of the teams 17 and 18 will only be determined well after Vlad is gone.
  10. I agree. And I blame the stuffed AFL system for rewarding underperformance. Its flawed. Its wrong. But I will be spitting chips if we have another season where we get 5 wins like 2007. We need to make the most of this opportunity to make sure we have the best players on our list.
  11. He would struggle to bruise a bunch of grapes with a bump.
  12. Its the same people that are saying he should be given a few more games when clearly his form does not warrant it. You of all people making that complaint. How did your bundle of class go against Geelong when the pressure was on? Awfully cold day at the Cattery but he still melted and was never seen .
  13. Doctor, do you think he will recover? Demon 3165 is right. Too few sound judgements made on too many You tube film clips.
  14. You have to be kidding. One of the brightest sparks this season. That was the goalkicking list
  15. Definitely at MFC but not elsewhere. I have seen marvellously misleading stats bandied around that suggest he is as good as Carey and better than J. Brown. We are onto a good thing here.
  16. I would expect the Footy department and players would be having nothing to do with that sort of defeatist carp. Mind you if it is a poor performance how many MFC supporters would accept a coach or players to say "Well we could not win and thats being realistic" Sometimes I think MFC supporters are the most deserving supporters around.
  17. Davey would not survive the first shepherd placed on him when Ablett gets the ball and probably wont even see the 2nd and 3rd possessions. It a silly comment comparing Judd and Ablett. Ablett has been clear BOG for at least the last three weeks. Further I have yet to see Davey make a front on tackle and his tackling is only from running down slower opponents from behind. Ablett wins the ball in close and on the flank and there will be no easier kills with Ablett. His awareness and ability to keep his balance are exquisite.
  18. Do you think the crowd should have lynched him after the game? That would be an effective stand wouldn't it. That's tell'em! Neil Craig has done nothing of the sort.
  19. If society did not believe in the justice system then we would have a series of torch burning vigilantes running amok. I think it is a very important concept and one not to brushed off. Its a pretty sad indictment of your understanding that you are unable to give someone the right of a fair trial. It has all the logic of Monty Python's Holy Grail determining a witch. If we work on what you or the media thinks the public automatically believe/think as a barometer of justice then we are not far off tribal neanthedrals.
  20. It would not matter to those who feel the need to condemn based on mere allegation and the lack of the facts.
  21. Firstly your basis of why Robbo and Newton will not work together does not gel as very little game time is played flying for speccies. While Robbo may be limited, he indeed gives us an option up forward and he can actually kick straight which many posters (not you though) think is not important. I am not sure what positions Newton can actually play because he has never given anything to suggest that he can command a position. The criticism you make of Bate are valid. But FCS, Newton's failings in this area makes Bate a pro. For the reasons you drop I cant think why you would keep Newton in the team.
  22. For some posters it is enough to be considered a capable forward that is doing his job just fine.
  23. Agree. We need to develop other solutions.
  24. Neither should be booed by MFC supporters on that basis Actually wearing a Crows jumper is fair justification IMO.
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