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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. Thank you. Amazing when somebody actually follows a logical and linear argument on here. It was well known we had several targets, according to Mahoney. With 28 hours left, we have traded Tyson for Preuss. Lost Kent and gained nothing else. So what I was alluding to was what are these other dominos that we hoped would fall. We have been held up and they may never fall?
  2. Said it early on this trade period, if we allowed this to run the course of trade week, we'd be losing out on potential other deals. I seriously hope I am wrong. We have put a lot into this one deal, when it sounded like we could secure KK in a separate trade. Somehow we've been held ransom by Freo and have nothing in the pocket yet. Other clubs are in a similar position. I still feel as though we have not addressed an obvious midfield issue with pace. KK may or may not fulfill that need. He has played very little football in recent years and despite being a Pick 5 some years ago, isn't really anything to be excited about.
  3. wait, so we afre now settling for pick 5 and 23 which goes to the Suns for May and KK respectively. Am I reading this right? I hope I am not. KK is similar to Kent in his output in recent years. We took a pick in the 60s for Kent and now we are using Pick 23 on KK? Surely that is not what I am reading. Surely a later pick goes to GCS for KK. Can someone update me on the state of play. I can't be bothered reading over the last 20 pages.
  4. I'm an MCC member and have missed 2 games since 2006. So i take offence to the 'only attend big matches'. I am of the opinion that the MCC members is always busy during Melbourne games and always looks more full than the members section of the Southern Stand. I note that the red seat members seem to be in attendance in bigger numbers than the Southern Stand. Oh and I am an 8 year consecutive member of the MFC and buy a full membership, not the associate one. i had always been a member of both MFC/MCC. I used to be a Redlegs member but no longer commit to such a high package,
  5. ITS amazing that Hawthorn just keep plucking talent from other clubs and they give up nothing to get them across. Meanwhile, the MFC is sitting around waiting on the flogs in the West to sort something reasonable out. We have a lot of spots to fill on our list, dunno why we are seemingly sitting on our hands when blokes like this are moving
  6. I love that we now have people throwing in the "throw Frost in and that'll do it" line. Frost was a lot better than Oscar at stages this year and if Lever goes down or May goes down, I'd rather Frost as a backup defender over everyone's favourite Casey legend, Declan Keilty or the legend in the making, Harrison Petty. Neither have shown anything to excite at AFL level. This circus is going to roll on until the end of next week. god help us all
  7. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2018-10-08/hogan-call-first-then-demons-will-look-at-may Well, well, well. I thought we had asked Hogan to make his mind up before trade started and that we were assured by him and his manager that he would inform the club of his intentions prior to te commencement of trade week. It has clearly not happened and any 11th hour deals will now ultimately mean we are going to be hard pressed to facilitate a deal that lands us May. Even if, even if a deal is done on Hogan which gets us two top 10 picks, if this is drawn out til the end of next week, we will be looking at taking picks to the draft, which is nt what we want. I cannot understand why Hogan has not contacted the club and informed them.
  8. So start of next season when Oliver isn’t ready rd 1-5 because he is recovering from his shoulder ops still, Viney has a delayed start as his ankles are not quite right yet and Jones is going slow coz he is aging, and there is no Tyson, Vanders and to a lesser extent Vince left on your list, what are we turning to? It’s a genuine question not aimed at starting a war, but rather asking you to tell me where you see the depth on our list? Are you foreseeing Billy stretch coming on? Is Maynard gonna have a breakout year? Is Kennedy-Harris finally gonna step up to AFL level? You can tell me injuries won’t happen, but I will tell you we survived this year because we had quality depth. I am concerned that the game is won and lost in the midfield and I think we ought to be trying to bolster what we are losing. I am not having a meltdown about anything happening right how, coz nothing is. My concern is not so much the Hogan for May deal, but the fact there is nothing coming back that addresses the loss of the depth we had. If I hear the KK is exactly that, I’ll fall off my chair. The bloke has barely played in two years. We did not lose to the Eagles coz Darling and Kennedy fired, we lost contested possession in th midfield and barely laid a tackle. No fullback would have been able to stop those two given how the ball was coming in.
  9. Wait so I am the one worrying about hypotheticals that may not happen, and here we have someone predicting that Kelly is a certainty to leave and we are in the box seat coz we got a first rounder for next year.
  10. Close the thread then. No point even discussing a hypothetical scenario according to this logic.
  11. What’s the bigger fish we are frying then chef?
  12. So we give up the momentum of this year, lose 11 players , bring in three and then hope we stay afloat to have a tilt at the 2019 draft and then open the window again in 2020. Is that really what you suggesting ?
  13. My point exactly. We are not going for a five year plan. Taking a kid that can come in next year and impact is fine, waiting a year to draft a kid that may take 2 or three years to develop is stupid. Pure and simple. Hence my surprise at those suggesting that we just take next years first rounder. We need a pacey mid. Have needed this for three years. That is the priority. Anyone, I’m done . I’ve had a Xanax and a bottle of scotch, as suggested and now just look forward to Monday. I hope the deals are done swiftly.
  14. I am not outraged at something that hasn’t happened, I am outraged that people on here are now pandering to media talk about what Hogan is actually worth. People have gone from we will only accept 2 first rounders to oh we will take next year’s first, coz we will just be able to pluck another key forward then. I mean, honestly, you all have no idea how difficult drafting is and just how hard it is to remain competitive at this level. This is the tightest the AFL has been in years and all clubs are looking at improving. If you get left behind for just one season, we’ll you will know what the Doggies have felt the last two seasons. While we won two finals this year, remember that we made finals by one game. One.
  15. So you’d be comfortable with pick 5 for Steven May
  16. Nowhere near it. I just can’t believe the full circle we have come on. In my view, and I have stated it earlier, we are playing a dangerous game. We have just made a prelim and are looking at turning over 11 blokes. We have no idea what is coming our way but there has been very little to get excited about at THIS STAGE! Hogan is a super talent and we hold the cards, he is contracted ffs, if we fold for a lesser deal it is bad PR and bad football department operations.
  17. OH and we will use pick 5 on a South Aussie in Rankine so in 2 years we can have the chat about him going home to SA and the circus can start again . Ffs. Roll on Monday please
  18. What’s more staggering is that we get pick 5 for Hogan that then goes to GC for May and we are waiting in that case until next year to bring a kid in what is a weaker draft than this year. If we take a future pick we are dissing ourselves. We started at two top ten picks this year. Why are we now pondering taking a future 1st ? Is it because the media have talked it down? Am I missing something? Will GC take the future 1st for May ? Are we able to trade that future first since we did so last year? We are turning over 11 blokes . Where are we filling these list spots ? With what ?
  19. It’s just his management saying that s MFC are dudded. It means we can’t force Freos hand and say give us two top picks or next year we send him to West Coast
  20. I appreciate that our time is now and we are doing all we can to have a tilt, but my concern is more about what is being brought in. What is out there that we are having a crack at? If you are improving your list, you can’t simply move players on and replace them with players of lesser quality. I don’t know that that will happen, but I don’t know that it won’t. We need players that improve our deficiency. Leg speed is one of those major deficiencies. If KK is the answer to that, then fantastic. He has played very little footy in recent times though.inwould have thought we would have been after a quality established mid, and maybe we still are, but it looks like other clubs are ahead of us. I will be happy to be proven wrong and see us land a big fish. I admit that the recruiting in recent years has been very good.
  21. Either Mahoney and Co. have a whole lot of players agreeing to come to us or this trade period may be viewed as a total balls up. We are going to have 10 players out the door, all of whom played roles in season 2018, and so far the only players we look set to get are Preuss, May, KK. With the exception of KK, I am not sure any of these inclusions address our lack of midfield pace and speed. There must be something brewing. I sure hope there is because we are losing a forward and without Pedo we have no pinch hitter. We lose the experience of Vince. We lose the hardness of Vanders through the midfield and we lose the butcher skills of Tyson. It’ll all play out, I am just slightly concerned about the breaking up of a list that just got into a preliminary final. I know some will say a lot of these players are fringe, but each contributed something in 2018. In Hogan’s case, 47 goals. Kent a match winning performance in the west. We could keep going. This turnover is a risk and I hope it’s been well calculated
  22. If he goes and all we get in return is May, it’s a massive failure as far as I am concerned. We hold the cards and this would be a fold. We are losing a number of depth players in addition and the landscape of the best 22 is shifting. The key to the success last year is that when a player went down we had plenty of capable players stepping up. We would sure as hell want to get some talent in and just securing May in exchange for Hogan won’t facilitate that.
  23. Didn’t Dusty tour GWS end of last season ?
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