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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Real got me think about this
  2. The Real Men of Demonland Ladies we are more the just sex objects here in Demonland we have computers as well and not afraid to use them!
  3. BBO it was a trick question As over in Country WA us real men don't use can openers.
  4. 2014 Member May it be a better year then the previous two LOL
  5. The first season was a real laugh. It was a between seasons filler which run for three season I think.
  6. BBO here a test of your skills. Do you know which tool is the can opener?
  7. Here is an interesting pic I just found
  8. I am again enjoy the press conferences from the MFC Coach Roos speaks well, Maybe he should be Captain Coach LOL
  9. I saw it so I had to share. See you all in the shrinks next week for out group consulting season LOL
  10. I never know our PM wa such a MFC Fan. It must be worth millions to the Club in Govt Grants
  11. I thought the MessyDrugs 2014 players list
  12. Think they have all been to a Hird Training Camp. No chance of catching any of them until the supplements are out of their system
  13. and here is his filing cabinet
  14. I hope all is good now? I was planning on having Russell Crow as the human Sacrifice as Rugby Supporters don't count. Plus BBO made me say it
  15. Leadership Group BB OD RL WJ Special comments from BBO BF RBB
  16. Moon would also agree but he is too shy to tell you
  17. BBO you are always concerned for the welfare of other. If only more people followed your example the world would be a better place.
  18. Same Just thought it was there so why not try it and see what happens
  19. I did see a Friends pending Approval under Manage Friends. Not sure if you need to approve a friend request first?
  20. You still not on my like list. I did the friend thing in your profile like I did with others. But for some reason your Avatar does not show. Not sure why? I see you have added me to yours.
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