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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. The tanking decision was made in Vlad's days, while the Drug Lords had Dill in charge. Can you not see the difference between these two opinions?
  2. We could talk about how many games the MFC could win in 2016? OD has predicted 10 wins but will not divulge which games they will be. After reviewing the fixtures I can only feel certain about 5 wins but predict 8 wins for the season. As the MFC still has a very ordinary players list and is unable to win two or more games in a row.
  3. I thought the AFL investigation found no evidence of tanking by the MFC.
  4. Red I think it's because a football club get a bigger fine for not tanking then it does for have a program of injecting illegal substances to its players.
  5. So where is our special friend Lance Uppercut? Do the Bomber Supporters who read the Demonland Threads still think we have no clues as to what went on in Essendon?
  6. Another solid business opportunity for you BBO. Or why not a Essendon FC drug cheat Councillor?
  7. Hirdy must be so upset as WADA lodge its appeal on the last possible day. The EFC came so close to getting away with it. Today got to hurt them to the core!
  8. I believe 2107 will be our best chance for another flag as we don't want to put too much pressure on the players.
  9. Not at all WJ. My comment was purely based on my desire to see the Drug Lords pay for their actions and not on any legal opinion.
  10. Just following the Drug Lords lead there WJ. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story or two.
  11. BBO you do know what the Christian Brothers did to children?
  12. Then the MFC should sue the Drug Lords for the loss due to their negligence. This saga just keeps on giving!
  13. Don't tell us you been suspended by Bomber Blitz already BBO?
  14. Is the any truth to the rumour that BBO was traded to BomberBiltz ?
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