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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I have some very sad news about thepassing of an Demonland Poster. I know you all will miss Bossdog. But there is nowhere for him to hide after making such a negative statement about bananas.
  2. Here is the last time they found someone with integrity in the VFL/AFL.
  3. To be honest you would expect action once all the legal processes have been concluded. Although I would not hold my breath.
  4. I have all ready decided to never watch another DrugsLord game even if its against Melbourne. Personally, I believe people should boycott their games to send a message to the AFL Commission. Drug cheating is Unaustralian and sporting bodies should never support those who practice it. I find it hard to comprehend how the AFL Commission is considering to allow Jab to keep the Brownlow after all it is awarded is for the Fairest & Best. How can you possible be the fairest if you have taken banned substances which may have improved your performance for the year? Don't start me on what I now think of the AFL Commission!
  5. I agree with this guy. justice has not been served here! They all should be serving a two year ban and not just ten months.
  6. They may have more luck if they change the academies name to Drugs R Us. If nothing else it would be a more accurate depiction of their club's culture.
  7. Love to hear what the DrugsLord's lawyers have to say as German looks like the perfect language them. Long may these Scumbags suffer!
  8. Do you think the same comments would have been said about Abbott Jnr before he left the Cats? There appears to be little loyalty left in the AFL these days. So the only opinion left is for the Dees to win the 2016 flag and finally show them all who is boss. GO THE DEES! !!!
  9. My nightmares are about to return.
  10. And if the Drug Lords win then WADA can appeal. The saga that just keeps on giving.
  11. BB is the rumour true that you organized the $750k gift to Hirdy by passing the hat around Demonland? We all know how much you really care about Hirdy and how you want the true come out about Essendon supplements program.
  12. Can WADA verify the Essendon figures for me. Because for some reason I don't trust anything they say.
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