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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Think you mean 2014. Oh well I will prepare for total annihilation for the rest of the season (think that 14 more games). I can see this year is be one of breaking all records and not in a good way. Although I have heard Casey can actually play the MFC game plan, Are we allowed to recruit them for the rest of the season?
  2. Another sign of weak leadership at the MFC. Oh well I know what I will be doing with my vote later on this year.
  3. OMG they taken away the blue and red! The pain of it all.
  4. the meeting was not for the new MFC playing outfit?
  5. Its the all expenses paid dinner time
  6. You just dont understand the game plan. Its all about getting smashed in the first half so they will let their guard down. With the MFC is the second half that counts, if only the boys were a little fitter they would have had them.
  7. Sorry but I have lost faith in the Board when it comes to making any on field decisions, they did very well in debt reduction but clearly have little understand about how to achieve on field success.Personally I will only have faith in an independent evalution of the MFC football department which includes Peter Jackson opinion.
  8. Bad messages is the reason MN should go, well not at all. He should go because he has a terrible win/loss record and he is not able to coach at a basic AFL standard. Under his leadership the playing group has gotten worse, the MFC will be lucky to win two games this year from four the previous year and 8.5 the year before he coached the Club. Not sure you been watching the games but the MFC is awful (But its the MFC so I will keep watching regardless). Its a mistake to listen to MN as he only makes the thinking person more upset as he sometimes does not think before he speaks. I still remeber him say how surprised he was after the 148 point loss to Essendon (surely an compedent AFL standard coach should have saw that a flogging was about to happen).
  9. P_Man if you are coming from the West I will kept you company on the flight over to Demonland (too many pagan Eagles and Dockers supporters over here)
  10. You have my vote to become the next President of the MFC!
  11. David Neitz was an awesome player, it was an honour to watch him play. He be in my best 21 for the MFC anyday of the week. Absolutely love the guy (both as the captain and a player).
  12. You are right to say that he may stay but in my opinion if MN stays its for one of two reasons: The board is incompentant, or The MFC can not afford to get rid of him yet. However what ever decision is made by the Board atleast the members know what is happening, or until they change their minds again, if the orginal decision is for him to stay (see point 1). B)
  13. That where we must disagree. I believe the current problems are in a major part due to the current Senior Coach's actions. With the players we had at the time of his appointment he was not suited to be the NFC Senior Coach. His game play was never going to work unless he made major changes, which he did make, I am sorry that he was setup to fail which he has in such a big way. You don't make the team as bad as it is overnight and called it development. Better to stage the rebuild so atleast the team can compete at a basic AFL standard.
  14. Good point. But I think the suceess with an inexperinced coaches had more to do with the position/potential of the playing list they inherit, the MFC has a massive way to go before its is even able to compete at a basic AFL standard. Its important to get an experience coach that would suit the style and abilities of the current MFC playing group. As the MFC does not want or need another major rebuilding program. There is good players at the MFC, just not enough of them. Also the advantage of an experienced coach is to rebuild unity at the MFC between members and supporters. As can be seen in these forums there are two major groups which is based on the removal and retention of the existing Senior Coach. The coach should be someone most members and supporters respect and will allow time to undo what is wrong in the football department.
  15. I am finally starting to see the game plan of the MFC.It is to get toally smashed in the first two quarters so as to catch the other team off guard in the second half. Just need a little more fitness in the four quarter and we should have them. I so loved the 51 point comeback against Fremantle in 2008 and just know they team can do better given the chance. Loved how Buddy was contained. Also there are a few players who did show they can play, but its always hard to judge when the team gets totally outplayed in so many positions.
  16. I hope you are right, its just the MFC has made a mess of the last two coaches, I must admit I lost alot of faith in the process.
  17. How could I have been so wrong. Shame on me for wanting MN gone after he achieved so little on field success in the past 18 months and has even managed a lose to the Suns by over 10 goals. Lets give him a 10 year contract extension with no KPI what so ever as he has shown such an great understanding of the game that few can ever match. If he stays, I think the MFC will have a strong and loyal membership base of about 2,000 within the next 2 years and by the 10th year, the Club should be a great VFL team again. Who need to play in the AFL after all they only focus on winning. There is so much more to Aussie Rules Football them simply winning matches. With a few chock raffles and bingo nights the MFC should have the funds it needs to operate successful, major sponsors have an expectation that their money should show a return on their investment so are they really needed. As the young players (not that the MFC has many teenages) get older and more experienced then they can always be traded or other wise got rid off to allow for someone else who has less experience the chance to develop their playing skills. This should extend the MFC redeveopment phase for another five or six years (just don't tell anyone its been about five years already as it may upset someone). With leadership like this at the MFC do we really need to worry about the future!
  18. As previous said in another post, I would willingly give to any fund for the replacement of the current senior coach. But still alittle worried about the selection process of finding a new senior coach as it was so flawed last time.
  19. We the one who want the current Senior Coach to go are only getting started and we don't apologies what so ever for this belief! Whats the average for losses so far this year is it around 77 points so far. What a disgrace! No sane AFL Club would take away its ability to compete at a basic AFL standard, lossing by an average by over 75 points (after round 10) and call it DEVELOPMENT! AFL football is a business with may stakeholders who mainly want to be associated with success, they may be prepared for a limited amount of failure but only for a very short time. Winning not only generates success but also cold hard cash and losing has the reverse effect. In the world of the modern AFL, if a Club has money they survive and without they will be forced to merge, if the Club is lucky enough to find a willing partner. Members/Supporters are staying away from games in large numbers and the 2014 season must be looking very bleak indeed if nothing is done. If you think the MFC is not in trouble then there nothing I or anyone else can say or do that will change your mind. But please don't belittle our desire to see the MFC survive and be a force in the AFL again. As a supporter of the MFC what future do you want for the Club?
  20. The guy can play! How do we clone him? We need more of this type of player.
  21. Congrats on the birthday! Mine is on this Tuesday.
  22. Oh Clark's the guy who does not play that much and Hogan is not allowed to play as he too young, right?
  23. Sorry did not know I needed you approval before i make a comment in a particular topic. But if you don't like what I say then then it really simple, don't read it!
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