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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I thought Hogans_Heroes, from DL, already had the job!
  2. It better to not let them anywhere the Media. As they need to focus more on actual leading the tram!
  3. I am excited to see the boys play this week. Not that I expect big things to change on the field or with the final scores. Goo the Dees!
  4. Your in but you have to wait for the next draft. ! hear the MFC is getting the first 150 picks LOL
  5. Who cares about such rankings! All I want is for the MFC to actual win some more AFL games.
  6. We would have only screwed him up at the NFC. as that is what we do best.
  7. Bring back the tight shorts for the Ladies! Added benefit is may be Warwick Kaper can play in the Mid field for us!
  8. I never voted for merger! I never will vote for merger! ! vote foe a 13 and beyond Premiership for the MFC. I vote for all the deadwood in the MCF to PO! I vote for Peter Jackson has he is my new GOD and I have a man crush on him!
  9. Can we have a public whipping of all those responsible for what been happening at the next AGM? The whole thing is a disgrace!
  10. Dam do you think we get investigated for tanking this year?
  11. When you sell your soul for money you have to let the Devil in.
  12. I feel he is a MUST have! Don, Cameron and Mark go get him! LOL
  13. Love the new banner. No longer do I want to throw darts at certain faces that was on it. Can we have a picture of my new god PJ on it lol
  14. Can't we have a little public execution or two? Just for old times sake
  15. You are so right he will be my God for at least the next 18 months lol
  16. You all missed the real question! Can she play in the Mid Field?
  17. Did they not have a say with the last coach? It was clear to me they did not support him by the way their played as a group.
  18. Dan where did I leave that book on 101 excuses? That right I gave it to a MFC player but can not remember which one. Its important at times like this to keep a sense of humour.
  19. Great can you play in the mid field? The MFC may need you if you can.
  20. Depends if he fighting in the MFC army or not ROFL
  21. Has someone real upset you mate? I don't disagree with your sentiment abbot bagging players and in particular Club champions, But free speech is also important and sometime people simple have to vent, but hopefully in the right way. If any thing can be learned over the past five years is members need to speak up sooner and not just let thing slide. That said there is a pity offensive post about a young Brad Green and I wont say what I now think of the person who posted it.
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