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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Great! Come in to my week day place and find it been ransacked!
  2. LOL I always thought the previous reports where BS. This just proved it.
  3. I noticed the UK Police left Portugal without an arrest.
  4. I recall a number of years ago speaking to a Federal Police Bomb Disposal Officer. He said that Australia is used as a training ground for a number of international terrorist groups.
  5. True I did change the focus of my comments away from religion but in truth this thread is about us being attacked, which we are now and have been in the past. The attacks on our culture and values is not necessary coming from a particular religious belief. Also I did not want to specifically demonize one religious belief over another as they are all as good and bad as one other. Also I had previous posted comments about this matter and took the opportunity to expand on those comments. If you only want to focus on the propaganda from the US without looking at the real issues then this thread may only focus on religion. It is clear to me from your posts where you get your information about this topic, which you did not deny. But its true I am only making an educated guess.
  6. Grrrr you just reminded me how little I get to see MFC games on free to air TV over here.
  7. (1) Same It is my understanding from various reading in the past that the raise of Islam is due to policies to give local populations something to keep their minds away from their poor lives etc. The West has ensured that many of the Islam countries are controlled by their own puppet governments. IMO opinion in the developed countries you are right about the Christian Religion but in South America and African countries religion is very strong and more fundamental. Organised religion is about control and domination of others. Which can never be a good thing. However there has been benefits from religion in the past as it aided trade and unity of liked minded people. The values of most main stream religious are honourable and worth having in local culture as long as there is flexibility and tolerates given to others.
  8. So you blindly follow the propaganda for the US, UK, our Government and others, but I don't IMO its much better to question before blindly following anyone. The real terrorist are those that train, fund and controlled these extremists. We have more to fear from the CIA and other Secret Police/Spy Organisations then we do from these so called international terrorist groups. In the 70's the CIA had a campaign to remove the then Australian Government as pay back for it withdrawal from the Vietnam War and other non supportive policies towards them. But that not all, the USA foreign policy has resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people around the world. This is at a scale beyond the resources of any so called terrorist group. But lets not just focus on the US, China in Tibet and Russia also have blood on their hands. In 1988, a Captain of an US warship entered Iranian waters without authority from his Government and shot down a passage air-plane claiming it was a threat to his ship (which was a lie) and killed hundreds of innocent people. He was given a medal for his actions by his Government. Are these the type of people we want as so called friends? Don't get me started on the claims that the CIA actual supports and controls a large amount of the worlds drug trade. Drugs alone is directly and indirectly responsible for the death of countless lives each year around the world including Australia. While Australia supports rogue countries who continually commit war crimes we will have to accept there will be a pay back of some type somewhere in the future. So my recommendation is don't rely on main stream media as it will not tell you want is actually happening in the world today. It just tells you what some rich and powerful scum bag wants you to believe is true for their own benefit.
  9. Milk can be used for more things than just drinking it
  10. From reading his past quoted posts it appears as they are not drowned its OK.
  11. Was that before he got stab in the back by all his mates?
  12. True I can do better DC IMO we are not aware of the control/influence the Churches on our day to day lives. Our media focus on telling us the negative of the Islam religion. In my view both religious groups can be good and/or evil. Dangerous extremists are in both religions. Yes we may not have our hands cut off for stealing in Australia but you may be bashed walking down a street because someone thinks its fun. Local culture is heavily influence by the local religious beliefs. Society tends to hide its own flaws but highlight those of others. Our media is very selective and is a vehicle of a select few to shape public beliefs and opinions for their own political views. The focus on small radical groups seems to be disproportional to the risk and danger. Sure like any other group of dangerous criminals they need to be monitored and the community needs to take a certain level of protection. But the real danger to our way of life does not come from these small groups of so called terrorists.
  13. IMO the real danger to our way of life are these guys http://www.the-philosopher.co.uk/whocares/popups/warcrimes.htm
  14. Not sure that true DC. What about abortion clinic attacks and the killing of doctors in the US by religions extremist, the war between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, the hiding of child molesters by the Catholic Church and the secret war of the US born against against Islam just to name a few.
  15. OMG I just read the comment of Ben Her on your post. He clearly does not have a clue on this topic which does not appear to slow him down with regards to his posts!
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