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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. OD you need to stop watch those relays of the 2012 and 2013 seasons. They are messing with your head. I recommend watch the second last game of the 2000 season. That will pump you up for 2014.
  2. I think its this one RBB Just don't be last or you will miss out on a spot
  3. WOW this thread has a stand at the G. I did not know that. It wouldbe good to catch up with a few DL when I come over. I do recall there is a special game for interstate supporters to come over. But OD suggestions look good as well.
  4. Mr Abbott is such a special public speaker so he needs his own thread! 1. ‘Bad bosses, like bad fathers and husbands, should be tolerated because they do more good than harm’ 2. ‘Climate change is absolute crap’ and the list gets bigger by the day. https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/election-2013/abbotts-quotes/tony-abbotts-quotes-2013
  5. Ok so who voted for Essendon as a favourite Club? LOL
  6. I found this picture which supports your belief its was about UC
  7. Yes as I would. Call me old fashioned But I would only want to play for the Dees.
  8. TH we in the West like to keep thing simple. He just a DH.
  9. I agree that the use of any children in any war is wrong and should be stopped. However it has always concerned me that the arguements as highlighted in RobbieF post shows a very one sided view of the issue of terrorism. RobbieF is correct in saying the act he had commented on are evil and DL rightly expanded those points to cover other similar groups. However I see acts of terrorism on both sides. The use of unmanned drones on in populated areas when it obvious that innocent people will also be killed is just the same as strapping on a bomb and setting it off in a crouded street. The support of repressive dictators by the West will come at a price. The stealing of resources by countires for their own domestic benefit will also come at a price. I don't support the so called terrorist groups due to their crimes against humanity or that of the West in the so called fight against terrorism for the same reasons. IMO it an interesting fact that many of the so called terrorist groups mainly generate support from their communities because their the only alternative to their oppressive governments who in turn are supported by other Western Governments. In my past reading into the reasons for the raise of muslim religion of recent years, it was commented that local governments had encourages their populations into religion in an attempt to keep them busy. It was hoped that religion would fill the void that poverty and oppression had caused. There will always be extremist as there will always be people with extreme view on very issues. Both sides in the so called war against terror has their own fundermental extremists. IMO its when the general community starts to follow these extremists is when the real problems starts for the rest of us. What is the real icing on the cake when t comes to this issue is how the secret police eg CIA, who trained the so called terrorists in the first place. Clearly its OK to do these terrible acts of terror to other people but don't do them to USA or their friends as that is terrorism. The stupidy of what has been done to the world as a result of these people is mind blowing. Its very OK to support, condone, encourage of undertake acts of terror on other people. What I have found in life is most people are sheep and easily lead by others to condemn other cultures without truely understanding them. I have meet a lot of muslim people when I was in the Middle East which included Syria. I found them to be friendly but most were living in what we would call poverty. If you want to truely stop the extremists in the Muslim World then we must give the majority of their populations hope by allowing them real freedom and economic security.
  10. Ouch! Stay with us OD as we can see the light at the end of the CS/MN tunnel!
  11. Lord, don't you wear glasses and are balding (See Avatar) LOL
  12. Neeld had 18 moths to go on his contract. I was count it down by the minute, as everyone knows in DL I was such a Neeld fanboy.
  13. Are you suggesting I should go to te G and not watch the MFC play. As a member I feel like I should watch a live game though. Does Melbourne have any good sport pub that will be playing a Melbourne Game?
  14. There is so much good material about the Monk!
  15. We not got a hope of beating an expansion team next year as their development is far inadvance of our own. i believe that we have a chance of winning against the Dogs, Druggies, Saints in 2014. It would be nice to see the Dispair of the faces of the Druggies supporters, but I do like the Dogs as well. Already seen a game at the G against the Saints so would like to see another team play.
  16. He got the tea leaves from MessyDrugs! So the tea leaves are made from strange and mysterious substances
  17. Dam and I thought that he was bad becaue of Moonie, Biff and BBO
  18. No Red, OD has the statistical evidence to supoort his theory. Its Maths
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