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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. Petty is out of the cart (in runners) and talking to a trainer on Gosch’s.
  2. Both boots off. Insoles out of boots into runners. Runners on. Still sitting in cart. Not good.
  3. Petty has come from the field and taken off one boot and is sitting in the cart next to the weights shed. 😱
  4. Turner and TMac just chucking the ball to each other hard.
  5. Brown doing 150-200m jogging along the boundary. Looks comfortable. McAdam doing same and does not look comfortable.
  6. Both in the main group for now. Will keep an eye on them when they do the “match sim” stuff later on because that will be a good indicator of where they are.
  7. Steven May is training with the main group so hopefully he is over the soreness from last week.
  8. TMac just in a training singlet joining the rehabbers. He was doing warmup drills with the main group. Is wearing runners not boots. Hoping it’s a similar situation to Petty not training last week as part of a scheduled de-loading week. He is leaning against the fence so doesn’t appear to be doing rehab.
  9. At the moment he is with the main group doing the post warmup drills. Will keep an eye on him.
  10. McAdam and Melk have joined the rehabbers. They are just doing kick to kick to each other at the moment. Not sure what McAdams ailment is but now doing the same agility exercises with Melk with a trainer. Brown and Hunter doing kick to kick about 35/40m apart.
  11. Clarry back doing drills with McQaulter separate from the main group. Mixture of short passes, handballs or ruck taps from Mini ending with snaps at goal from Clarry.
  12. Salem doing warmups with the main group. Will also keep an eye on him to see if he participates with the group for the whole session.
  13. Clarry and Max doing ruck tap/roving drills. A good sight to see.
  14. AMW and Fullarton working on agility drills with a trainer. Hunter doing stretching with Brown on the fence. Now doing basic agility work with another trainer. Worrysome that he is at Browns rehab level of training.
  15. Verrell doing warmup drills with the talls. Will keep an eye to see if he’s in the main group for the rest of training.
  16. REHAB: Brown, Hunter, AMW, Fullarton, Turner, Clarry, TMac, Melksham, McAdam
  17. Clarry doing drills with McQualter. He was leading toward Mini zig zagging before running straight at him to mark the ball on the lead.
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