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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. CONFIRMED: Bont coming to the Dees
  2. They're not getting first rounders for either of those players.
  3. I'm starting to think I am being punished for being too obnoxious. 😱
  4. At this rate we'll have all 18 first round picks.
  5. You're not on notice. I want to clarify the reasoning behind our auto-moderation system. This system is in place to automatically flag certain words or phrases that might be problematic for various reasons, many of which I've attempted to outline in previous general "warning" posts. The purpose of this auto-moderation is to ensure that potentially problematic posts aren't published when there's no one available to review or moderate them. Ideally, we wouldn’t need such a system, but as I’ve explained before, it’s a necessary precaution. If your post is held up for moderation or even removed, it doesn't necessarily mean you’ve done something wrong. The forum software doesn’t notify users about the specific word or phrase that triggered the moderation, which I understand can be confusing. Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the software. Even if you identify and edit the word in question, your post may still be held for moderation, and this too is a software constraint. It’s important to note that I can’t provide a comprehensive list of all the words, names, and phrases that are moderated, as they vary for a variety of reasons. Another limitation is that if a post is approved but later quoted by someone else, the quote may still be flagged for moderation if it contains the previously moderated content. This is beyond our control and can be frustrating for both users and the moderation team, but it’s a necessary part of maintaining a safe and constructive environment. Banned users are typically those who have deliberately evaded moderation, continued to break rules after being warned, or ignored repeated warnings about posts that can’t be auto-moderated. I acknowledge that this system isn't perfect, but I’m doing my best to facilitate an important and sensitive discussion. I understand that emotions are high and that people want to express their frustrations and opinions, but my goal is to ensure that this conversation can happen in a way that is beneficial for everyone involved.
  6. Same with all my mates (most Carlton fans) but to be fair most supporters want to get great players for a bag of chips so it’s not really objective.
  7. I know but ... Wait ... too soon? I'm back.
  8. Dude. You really don't want to push my limits at the moment. I like to joke around as much as the next guy but I'm fucking serious here. Lucky you posted a picture of a dog.
  9. One final thing that I also want to address that there have been several users in this thread who have repeatedly ignored the rules that were clearly outlined. Despite multiple warnings, both in this thread and through the website's warning system, these individuals have now been banned. That's how serious I am taking this. It's unfortunate, as some of these users were long-time contributors to the site, and it's a shame that they couldn't follow some straightforward rules. I want to make it clear that I do not enjoy enforcing bans or being heavy-handed in moderating this website. Some of the more recent rules have been implemented out of a legal necessity and an abundance of caution. In these cases, I was left with no choice but to take action, as I’ve reached my limit in trying to maintain fairness while also protecting the community. I truly appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work to keep this platform safe and enjoyable for everyone.
  10. I'd like to clarify that discussing issues related to bad culture is perfectly fine, but please avoid getting into specifics about what and who. For example, when it comes to matters like this, it's sufficient to refer to it as a case of poor advice from management without delving into further details. Please understand that there will be instances where we may decide that a post is not appropriate. While this might not always seem fair or accurate, it is within our rights to make these calls. We’re doing our best to navigate these situations as they arise, often on the fly, so there may be times when we miss something or make a decision that some may not agree with. Our primary goal is to maintain a safe and respectful environment for everyone. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated as we work through these challenges together.
  11. I want to be as clear as possible: it is essential that we do not name or blame private individuals on this platform. I am unable to provide a list of names that are off-limits because I have been threatened with legal action if certain names appear on this website. This is not something I wanted to bring up, but I had hoped the need for discretion would be understood without explicitly stating it. There have been instances in the past where certain users have been identified as persons of interest by those making inquiries. This is a serious matter, and I am doing my best to protect myself, this website, and all of its users. You may have noticed that we had to close down threads related to former senior figures at the club, as well as discussions surrounding specific incidents like the Clarry and JS situations. These decisions were not made lightly, but they were necessary to safeguard the platform. If you wish to continue using this space to discuss the club, I urge you to adhere to the rules and recognize that there are topics and individuals we simply cannot discuss. Sometimes, posts will be removed in their entirety, even if only a small portion is problematic, because I cannot always selectively moderate out the offending parts. I understand that this may be frustrating and inconvenient, especially for those who are equally upset and want to vent and express their feelings. However, I cannot jeopardize my livelihood to allow someone to vent their frustrations or take a shot at certain individuals. The rules may seem overly cautious, but the risks are real. I ask for your understanding and cooperation in navigating these challenging circumstances.
  12. How about mentioning the individual I've repeatedly asked not to be named. This isn't up for debate, and I don't owe an explanation for prioritizing the safety and integrity of myself, this website, and our community over any personal frustrations you might have about a post being hidden. I don't intend to come across as harsh, but it's crucial that we maintain a constructive environment where we can freely discuss this club and the significant issues surrounding it. However, certain topics and individuals carry risks that could have serious repercussions for me, this platform, and any users who might inadvertently engage in those discussions. I might be exercising an abundance of caution, but it's my responsibility to ensure that we're all protected. I've posted these guidelines and warnings multiple times in this thread for a reason. Please respect these boundaries and cooperate so that we can all continue to responsibly discuss the club that we love.
  13. This platform is not a private group chat where you can say whatever you want without consideration. As a member of this community, you agreed to our website's code of conduct upon signing up, and I've clearly outlined the rules throughout this thread. Certain topics are strictly off-limits, while others may tread close to the line. It is the responsibility of our moderators to determine what content is appropriate for posting. While we strive to make the best decisions, we acknowledge that we may not always be perfect, and occasionally, some things may slip through the cracks. Our primary goal is to protect the integrity of this website and ensure a safe and respectful environment for all members. We kindly ask that you understand and respect this. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a positive community experience for everyone.
  14. It wasn't personally towards you as a poster. There was another thread too. From a moderation perspective it's easier to contain the discussion in one thread because invariably the same topics end up being discussed.
  15. For Fs Sake ... 14. MELBOURNE (11-12, 98.5%) Three word analysis Demise from hell What went right Melbourne’s defence is still incredibly tough to pierce. Led extremely well by Steven May and Jake Lever, the Dees were one of the toughest teams to score against this year. Simon Goodwin’s side ranked first in the competition for scores per inside 50 against percentage and sixth for chain to score against percentage. While there was plenty of adversity in 2024 for the Dees, there were a number of shining lights. The Demons unearthed Trent Rivers as a midfield piece for the future, while defender Judd McVee managed to shut down some of the games most dangerous opposition small forwards. Eastern Ranges product Caleb Windsor had an exciting debut campaign on the wing and Kysaiah Pickett continues to flourish, as does key forward Jacob Van Rooyen. Other youngsters such as Koltyn Tholstrup, Kynan Brown, Andy Moniz-Wakefield and Blake Howes also got some exposure at the top level to give fans a glimpse into what the future might hold. What went wrong Melbourne was always going to face a challenging 2024 campaign after a pre-season from hell. Midfielder Angus Brayshaw had his career cut short due to concussion and the Dees were forced into trying to replace him on the fly. Key position player Joel Smith was accused of drug trafficking while star midfielder Clayton Oliver dominated the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Oliver’s form dip in 2024 has been alarming, having gone from one of the competition’s best players to one of the most heavily criticised. He’s getting less of the ball (he averaged 30 disposals last year compared to 23 this year) and his clearance numbers have almost halved. Experts industry-wide have questioned whether he’s been fit enough to be an AFL footballer this season. Then there’s Christian Petracca. The Demons’ best player had his season cut short when he suffered a raft of nasty internal injuries in the King’s Birthday clash against Collingwood in June. Questions around Petracca’s future have emerged in recent weeks after reports suggested he was angry and disgruntled with the way the club handled his injuries and its poor performances on-field and lack of future direction. Petracca opened up to his teammates last week with Lever sharing it was an “eye-opener” for the playing group. Demons’ powerbrokers have had to repeatedly deny cultural issues and fractures within the playing group throughout the entire season. Those only increased as rumours circulated of senior players, including Petracca, wanting out. Jack Viney was linked to a family reunion with father Todd at North Melbourne but ultimately signed on until 2028 at the Dees, while Oliver and Petracca are others to be linked to other clubs, although it appears both will stay in red and blue. Unheralded star Alex Neal-Bullen has also requested a trade back home to South Australia for family reasons. On the field, What they need It still looks as though the Dees are still thin in their front half. While Jacob Van Rooyen will become a star, he needs a second in command to help lead this attack. Bayley Fritsch has been successful in the past, but he’s more of a third tall, while Harrison Petty, Daniel Turner and Tom McDonald were all trialled in that role to varying success. Can youngster Matthew Jefferson make his mark next year perhaps? Melbourne didn’t have one player in the top 25 for marks inside 50 and they ranked 16th in the competition for score per inside 50 percentage and 14th for points for. They need to find a spark forward and fast. Given their ageing list, the Dees should look to target the draft this season as well to ensure their next wave of superstars can start getting some experience alongside their established leaders. What time is it on the premiership clock? (8pm): The Dees looked like they were well and truly in the premiership window this time last year, but you can’t help but think that time is starting to tick with this current group of players. Captain Max Gawn and star defender Steven May will be 33 when next season rolls around, while Jack Viney (31 next year), Christian Salem (30), Christian Petracca, Jake Lever and Ed Langdon (29) aren’t getting any younger. Can we count this year as a mulligan or was this just the start of the Demons’ demise? We’ll know a lot more a month into the 2025 season. Season grade F — Dylan Bolch
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