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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. Had the opportunity to go to 186 and was unable to accept due to having the missus pull rank with a prior arrangement. Was ropable at the time and so so thankful after the fact. Thank you for your service.
  2. All merchandise that has been purchased in the past few days has now been posted. Thank you for your support of Demonland.
  3. I will admit I have left a game or two early but the team has never punished me by winning.
  4. I agree with this. Kids will love this. Disney, Marvel and the AFL have a great opportunity from an entertainment perspective.
  5. Any chance the MCG will ever sell naming rights?
  6. Our fortress is to be renamed to Marvel Stadium after Disney bought the rights for the next 8 years.
  7. Welcome to an ad-free Demonland experience. Thank you for your contribution.
  8. I think it's relevance. Winning gets you noticed and we reap the rewards. Losers get shafted and we've been in the dark for so long. Hallelujah!!!
  9. How much for the 5 goals the next week?
  10. I stand corrected. PlayStation it is.
  11. The TEAM OF THE WEEK you don't want to be on.
  12. Bob Spargo Sr. and Charlie Spargo - Great granddfather and great grandson combination.
  13. Edit: extra points for not attempting to match the skin colouring.
  14. We discussed this on the podcast last night. Hawthorn players took paycuts to keep an already winning premiership team together and to bolster it. We haven't had that success yet. Heck we haven't made a final since 2006. Until we have some success, and it doesn't even have to be premiership success, then the notion of sacrificing to keep the band together isn't there. If we can't make finals (not saying we won't) then what band are they trying to keep together. The lure to join a hit making band might be stronger.
  15. I'm no rocket scientist but I imagine the technology does not require a straight line to record speed. Perhaps one of Demonland's resident rocket scientists can weigh in on this.
  16. I mentioned on the podcast last night that I had been remiss in mentioning Jonesy the past few weeks. I think it always goes without saying that he gives 120% every time he steps on the field. I love this bloke. Bleeds Red and Blue and my dream is to see him lift the cup up one day. Car washes for life if it comes to fruition.
  17. I think it's telling that we aren't seeing any articles, facebook/twitter posts from news outlets/journos linking TMac (even fake news slow news day ones) with other clubs. I'll spew if I see a facebook post with a bad photoshop job of TMac in a Collingwood or North jumper.
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