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Posts posted by Ash35

  1. Was Green paid a free kick after it happened?

    No he wasn't. Should have, but wasn't.

    I did say I was moving on, but just one last point of view on the whole thing.

    The analogue I would use when you watch the cricket on telly and a bowler appeals for LBW and you think to yourself “that’s not out”. Then they show ‘Hawkeye’ and ‘Hot Spot’ and 14 different slow mo replays. And all of this stuff shows the ball may have just pitched inside the blue line and perhaps may have just clipped the top of leg stump, so to the letter of the law it could be given out LBW. But of course it isn’t, cos it doesn’t look out, so the umpire doesn’t give it. The tribunal these days tick boxes, and add up points and that’s what determines suspensions. Just look at the incident and say to yourself, “Does that warrant a suspension”.

    Most here say yes, that scumbag Lloyd committed a dogs act cos he is a weak [censored], so it does deserve suspension. Personally, I don’t. Whether it’s Matthew Lloyd, or any other player.

    But to be honest, its just football. I had a hard day yesterday; it was the 5 year anniversary of the passing of my beautiful daughter Ashleigh. It puts things in perspective. Obviously I don’t agree with the tribunals’ decision, and the lack of consistency is appalling [funny how a Sydney player is on the positive side of yet another inconsistency, Goodes/ Lloyd, A.Rocca last week/Leo Barry this week], but in the end it’s just footy. Essendon will turn up this week, and try and beat the Cats, we probably won’t, but that’s the way it goes. Life goes on.

    Personally, I just think it’s unfortunate that Matthew will miss James Hirds 250th match and the possible return to AFL football of Adam Ramanauskas because of an incident that was unnecessary and a little stupid, but far from malicious or harmful.

  2. So due to a differing opinion i suddenly become a goose....hmmm nice one.

    lets see, he runs at caroll and slams into him from behind like a weak [censored] = 1 week for you!

    just like hitting some one from behind, its a dog's act!

    Goodes deserved one too!

    Anyone who honestly thinks the incident deserves suspension is a goose in my opinion.

    Why don't you go and enjoy a nice friendly game of basketball.

    I'm sick of all this anyway. He'll probably be suspended, and you'll all dance for joy [not that it does Melb any good] and you'll all say "I told you so". I'm moving on.

    davey_magik can answer any of your queries on my behalf as he seems to see where I am coming from.

  3. its irrelevant whterh he was to be hurt or not. that is NOT the criteria of any ajudication of that action.

    Proper criteria pertain to,was it within acceptable distance to the ball ..and was it in play ? ( no it wasnt, quarter was OVER ) Does it breech any law of the game ? see. previous .

    See that's the problem with the tribunal system. Criteria criteria criteria. What's wrong with looking at an incident, and saying, it's a bit stupid, a cheap shot if you will, but really, is it worth a player missing a game for? Instead we have all this crap about high or low level impact, etc etc. The current system doesn't work. Absolutely no consistency, and too many wrong decisions are made.

    I still think alot of the angst over this incident comes from the fact that it is Lloyd who is involved and not some no name that hardly anyone knows.

    Not that the tribunal is known for it's consistency, but surely if Goodes escaped suspension on Godfrey earlier this year, Lloyd will also be cleared.

  4. Ahhh got 'cha.

    Hope there were no punch-ons Friday!

    It was a frosty trip home at times. Although we spend a fair bit of the trip discussing and reflecting on Neale Danihers caoching career. I have to admit, I had a lump in my throat as he left the field to a standing ovation.

  5. I honestly thought the out cry on Demonland would come from Andrew Welsh receiving a reprimand for his high bump on Brad Green, but I suppose he isn't a hated player like Lloyd.

    If people honestly want Lloyd suspended for the incident, and not for who he is, the game of AFL football is in trouble.

    Do we think Carroll was in any really danger of getting hurt? Yes it was after the siren blah blah blah, but let's get fair dinkum, what was more dangerous, Lloyds knock on Carroll the other night, or Whelans bump in Round 1 against St Kilda. Whelan got off, and so should Lloyd.

    As Brocky said, Fevola wasn't even sited in Round 7.

  6. Ash, I'm sure you've answered this question before, but why do you post on a Demon forumn? Nothing against it, I am just a little baffled.

    My wife is a Melbourne member. So I often go to the footy with her, thus seeing alot of Melb games.

    Plus, I just like talking footy sometimes, and I find Demonland a better "chat" than Bomberblitz.

  7. speaking as one goose !!! YES !!.. ..whether [censored] for tat or otherwise.. it was with no relevance to play.. ..and a might late even.. a real cowards shot!! yes the word is COWARD !!..hope he gets two !!

    For someone who has such a threatening avatar, you seem to want to turn the game very soft if you are looking for a suspension from this incident.

  8. In Neale Daniher's last game as coach of Melb, Essendon kick 3 goals in time on of the last quarter to win.

    Neale Daniher's most famous moment as an Essendon player was to kick 3 goals in time on against Carlton in 1981 to get Essendon up for a famous victory.

    Also, had Melbourne held on to win on Friday night, Daniher would have finished his coaching career at Melb winning 3 of his last 4 games.

  9. 27 frees to 18 says your being biased. But then again saying that, there were umpiring decisions where i cringed going both ways.

    Why do free kicks have to be even?

    And the total number of frees only tells half of the umpiring story in a match. Where they were paid, the ones they missed, non paying of marks, inconsistencies, 50m penalties etc etc

    I suppose it is easy for me to say this cos we won, but I think in the end I think both teams suffered from some bad umpiring on Friday night.

    If Melbourne had held on to win, most Essendon supporters would be blaming the umps, but cos Essendon won, alot Melb supporters blame the men in yellow. It's nothing new.

  10. they got favourable umpiring desicions all game, yet still managed to whine at every call given against them.

    That's funny, I was thinking the same thing about the Melbourne supporters there on friday. Apart from the tripping free not given to Bruce, I can't think of many times Essendon got favourable umpiring.

    But, then again, I might be biased.

  11. Yes, Bruce should have received a free kick.

    Lloyd also took a mark on the goal line in the last quarter that wasn't paid which replays show it should of. 30 seconds later Brad Green received a push in the back which again replays show Lovett applied a pretty good tackle.

    Newton received an awful free kick against Fletcher to gift Melbourne the first goal of the second quarter.

    Even the push in the back to Bate which Lovett kicked the disallowed goal was debatable. I thought it was a push in the back, but at that stage of the game, I've seen alot worse let go.

    And don't get me started on the push out paid against McPhee on Bate in the center of the ground in the 2nd quarter.

    The umpiring at times was poor for both teams.

  12. Massive out, being without Hille would make it extremely difficult for the Bombers midfield to remain competitve against us.

    Yep, game over if Hille misses. :rolleyes:

    He probably will challenge if there is no danger of getting more weeks if unsuccessful. Can't see the result changing though. Head high contact, although not too malicious, still worthy of a week. How Michael Wilson gets away with a reprimand is beyond me. I don't care if he "doesn't have a record", it was a blatant forceful elbow to Slatterys head. Does this mean everyone who hasn't been suspended before has one free shot if they plea guilty?

    The tribunal system has some serious flaws.

  13. Would love to see that. Grew up watching Robbie play sensational football in a shocking team when we still wore royal blue..

    Yep, even as an Essendon supporter, I appreciate watching Robert Flower, a true magician on the footy field.

    I have about 20 mins of quality highlights built up of him now, again thanks mainly to Fox Footy Channel last year when they had weekly flashbacks, From the Vault, etc etc.

  14. There was a highlights video I made when he retired back in 2002.

    To be honest, the original is at home somewhere, not sure where, so it would probably be just as easy to make up a new Ox video, with a couple of extra highlights I've picked up since then thanks to the wonders of Fox Footy channel.

    Let me have a look on the weekend, and see if I can find it.

    I just recently finished a Robert Flower/Russell Robertson combo video for a friend. It came up really well. I called it the Robbie and Robbo show.

  15. And you could see Chopper wanted to tear his head off

    Yeah, you could see how cut he was being out marked by a bloke he had in a bear hug.

    From someone who doesn't barrack for either Collingwood or Melb, Frasers mark was a ripper, and should win MOTW.

    But BrownlowBruce makes a valid point. Some excellent nominations are missing out cos they are up against inferior Goals/Marks performed by players from popular teams [Coll & Ess for example].

    Not sure I agree with every instance listed [Farmers goal was better than Woewodins in 1998, and Melbourne can't be robbed if the award goes to one of their players :wacko: ], but defiantely Dustin Fletcher should not have won the Round 4 nomination this year in front of Adem Yzes goal against Fremantle.

    Having said of all that, I'll be voting for Jason Laycock this week. :lol:

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